emo fuck
Whiny, puny dudes who have worn
tight women's jeans for so long that their testicles never dropped. They are constantly shoving their thin girl hands in their pockets which further complicates their testicular problems. As a result of this behavior emo fucks inevitably grow up to become adult teenagers who sit in the dark and listen to shitty,
lispy songs about candles,dead
dandelions,and unrequieted puppy love. They seldom make eye contact partly due to the greasy, dandruff laden, bangs that hang over their eyes and partly due to their lack of masculinity and/or courage. They love to call everything gay even though they would be gay if they could only achieve an erection in those
cute jeans. In summary, emo fucks are weak poeple who need to hide in numbers. They identify with crappy faggy music and always try to be in love so they can get their heart broken and gain emo cred with their
defeatist self loathing lackeys. I plan to run for president in '08 on the emo fuck holocaust ticket. If i win, we will have sweater burnings in the streets. We will provide guns and bullets to all emo fucks who want to kill themselves, and eventually we will reach
the final solution: we will hold a huge free vegan buffet, but unbeknownst to the emo fucks... the food will have egg and cheese in it!
Emo fuck
by Ross Macfarlane on Jul 06, 2006 20:51:18
Emo Fuck is a utter waste of space that normally sits on their own and contemplates life and what it would be like to die. In between wrist cutting sessions Emo Fucks like to cry over music. The most common dress code of a dirty
Emo fuck is tight gay clothes and stripy
jumpers. If a Emo Fuck is lucky to get threw life to the point of leaving school their choice of career is commonly a
Emo fuck
by touch me im sick on Oct 09, 2005 14:21:53
stupid, ignorant, whiney wastes of human life. they sit in their corner with their friends, cutting their wrists and listening to fall out boy. emo fucks are mostly identified with their gay, shitty, and musically inept bands (such as
hawthorne heights,
senses fail, and
underoath.) these emo creatures should all be drug out into the streets and shot simultaneously.
My mom and dad hate me! Everyone hates me!"
In reality, this
emo fuck is an
only child and very popular at school, therefor getting excessive amounts of attention.
Emo fuck
by monefa on Mar 09, 2005 21:44:20
normally a gay girl (or boy) who obsesses over
polka dots, and guns to there head.if you try to talk with them they normally
look down and cover there eyes with their greasy black hair.
they cut there wrists as much as they cut there hair