hate tv
1. Television that encourages viewers to hate, despise and fear "the enemy." George Orwell predicted the rise of Hate TV in his novel "1984." Usually found
on the cable channels, Hate TV is the fastest-growing type of pseudo-news. Key characteristics include:-
Scapegoating (blaming a small group for the problems of all)- Fear-mongering (raising
the specter of impending tyranny)- Simplistic thinking (
condensing complex issues into a few
hate-filled slogans)- Truthiness (presenting rumors as established fact)- Repetition (to give lies the ring of truth)- Stereotyping (along racial, ethnic or religious lines)- Assault Interviewing (attacking guests who disagree with the party line)- Pandering (filling a studio with partisan crowds who will cheer or boo on cue)- Thematic Aggregation ("packaging" a variety of fears, prejudices and hot-button issues under a common theme)- Code Words (using substitutes for common racial slurs, insults, etc.)- Multi-Media Marketing (combining TV with publishing, radio, websites, etc. to reinforce the core message)- Narrowing (redefining the boundaries of "acceptable belief" to ostracize moderates)- Movement Hype (promoting a specific group of people as the only "true" Americans)- Event Manipulation (exaggerating the size, impact or diversity of a protest or political rally)Hate TV inevitably leads to greater political
polarization, up to and including acts of violence against the perceived "enemy."