
AKA Theory of Knowledge, basically the class no IB student took seriously. Makes you wonder whether or not your whole existence is a sham after just a semester of teaching.

A completely useless course consisting of things that no one fucking cares about. Another way for IB to fuck around with us diploma students. The only skill improved in this class is the skill of "Bullshit". Class does not relate to anything important, and obvious sign of the IB hard at work.
IB 1 Student: Awwwwwww FUCK! I lost my free period to TOK this semester!

IB 2 Student: Well, better prepare your bullshitting skills.

Literal meaning - Theory of Knowledge, in the informal language used as a synonym of:
1. 'ew'

2. Something or someone that does not make sense
3. A pointless and exhausting work or activity that is done without understanding what exactly/how it has to be done.
4. It is sometimes also used to express frustration because of not finding purpose in life.
1. TOK, this cake was so disgusting. 2. Sarah is so TOK, sometimes I can't even understand what language she is speaking.
3. I'm sorry I can't come to your birthday party, I have a lot of TOK to do. 4. TOK! I hate my life!

on the tok
Used to describe someone who is deep into the TikTok game.
Babe: So does that girl you nanny for mainly use Snapchat these days?

Drew: Who Sarah? Oh no... she’s on the Tok.

Alternate non offensive word for retarded, dubbed by Your Mom’s House Code speak.
Adj. : “That shit is tokked” I.e “that shit is retarded.”, noun: form “People that think the earth is flat are a bunch of toks.”

Shorthand for Totally Obfuscating Krap- oh, I mean, Theory of Knowledge. A subject required by the IB (International Baccalaureate) for high school students, in order to earn a maximum of the three points and a minimum of complete schooling failure, it is usually optional and comes with comparatively little or no risk to students taking this subject as part of a Philosophy degree in university.

It is an excellent generator of anger, irritation, insanity and the odd musical rendition (see The TOK Song by Captain Angry and the BadMoods)
in conversation: "Man, I hate TOK."

in lyric: "I hate TOK."

1. Philosophy course required for the IB Diploma program
2. As in TOK Essays
3. Teachers that talk to much teach this course
1. SHIITE I have TOK next block and I don't know wtf all these philosophers did...
2. Hey is that TOK essay due tomorrow? Yeah... FUCK...<6 hours later on>...Your essay is *99%* copied, have a nice night!
3. Ahem

A pointless class.

Required by IB, TOK teaches students how to respond to totally bogus statements and opinions they don't even care about. The class consists of material from famous dead guys like Descarte, Dochevesky, and Wittgenstein.

The first day everyone is super excited to learn about the meaning of life, but 15 minutes into the first class everyone already knows that this is going to be a long semester. This is the class where most IB kids learn and hone their insane BS skills.

Student 1: Hey, did you write that paper on the nature of man for TOK yet?
Student 2: Psh, I wrote that on the bus, the usual BS...
Student1: I feel ya; I feel like this is becoming second nature to me.

an extremely boring and useless subject,amongst the useless shit you learn in school,TOK has got to be by far the most useless piece of shit ever to have been invented by the stupid mother fuckers who invented school in the first place.Thanks for nothing shitheads.
Oh god we have TOK fuuuuuuuuuuuk.

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