Iam "Soooo... I still don't see what it is that is being
insinuated here.... If you're insinuating what I think you're insinuating.... Then... Did I take over the world with a $50 phone?"
Hym ".................."
Iam "Hym?"
Hym ".................."
Iam "Are... Are you ok?"
Hym "................."
Iam "Hym!? You're seriously starting to
freak me out! What is happening right now!?"
Hym ".... We're literally Purple-Man you stupid son of a bitch... What have you done....?"
Iam "I.... Oh.... Oh... Shit..."
Hym "This... This can't be happening right now... You fucking killed us you idiot....what have we done?..."
Iam "... We can fix it! It'll be like '1100' where the kid with verbal virus takes over that school! We'll just be the guy that has the power to take away powers!"
Hym ".... I was right... They are going to kill the shit out of us for this..."
Iam "No no no...
It'll be fine! I can fix it! Hym can fix it!! If anyone can fix it;
it's Hym!"
Hym "If I...They took my name in vain..."