Bad maths
This term has come from the study of
fractals. To simplify, fractals and self similarity are the geometric principals that can be found throughout nature and indeed the universe as a common
blueprint of growth. Things often appear aesthetically pleasing or beautiful because they are mathematically/geometrically perfect. The term 'bad maths' refers to something that is not aesthetically pleasing and
out of sync with the universe.
IM bad at math
by Quandale Dingle The 1st on Sep 06, 2022 07:36:25
bad a tmath because its hard and i wan t to
km sometimes IM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM bad at mathIM
bad at math
Person 1:
Ugh man IM bad at math
Person 2: man
shut yo