Fifth Grade
The grade before middle school when you are ten, think your twenty, if you got to a public school the kids curse publicly and frequently and listen to
indie rock and call it normal, if you go to
private school kids basically try to ruin your life and they always curse in private, but are
snitches and tell on you for touching their laptop.Also, they think random things are incredibly hilarious.
fifth grade
by Helisexist on Jan 16, 2018 06:57:06
A group of prepubescent kids who think they are 30 because they are on top of the elementary school and curse every sentence in public or in secret (cause elementary school is full of snitches) and try to be "swaggy" and also 5th grade patrols are the worst cause they think that just because they stand in a stupid hallway telling people to walk means that they are cooler then everyone else then report people for no reason and boss others around and try to act tough and lie about doing "manly" stuff like playing rated m games and owning a gun cause they think they are
all grown up and
big people even though they will go to middle school only to get shitstomped by 7th and 8th graders and get beaten up. To any
5th grader going to middle school, have fun getting raped (:
Fifth grade 1: Ah Fuck i hurt my fucking leg! man fuck this stupid blacktop! my fucking knee is hurting! ah shit my asshole
shit shit shit!
Fifth grader 2: Damn your cool since you are fucking cursing like that is fucking cool as shit
Fifth grader 3: I am telling the teacher