Moba Disease
Multiplayer online battle arena pathogenic virus(
MOBA Disease)is an infectious disease caused by the MOBA virus.Common symptoms:
Irrational anger, self entitlement, depression, IQ drops, and urges to call people"Faggots."The most common spreader is"Shit"aka"League of Legends."All who come in contact with MOBAs eventually become infected. Though many people can go months without symptoms.There are three types of MOBA Disease that affect people. All types of the virus are spread through human to human contact through MOBA video games.The first type is named MOBA Primea Disease.(BAD) BAD effects nearly half of MOBA players.Those infected experience
irrational anger at everyone they play with. They often AFK before five minutes. Common quotes include "1v1 me kid."&"Ru even ranked?XDD." These infected are most often Bronze.The second form is "Everyone but me is autistic syndrome."aka(MobaDowns)Those with "MobaDowns"(aka Moba Downies)tend to be more self entitled.They have
altered perceptions of reality, and see themselves as the best players on their team.Anytime anything goes wrong, they blame everyone else. They disown other mobas. This MOBA Disease is VERY common in league of legends players. They will often end friendships over mobas. The third and last type of MOBA Disease is known as MobaDepressa or
MDD.People effected by MDD experience very little rage.Infected are more likely to get depressed. These players often know mobas are toxic, yet chose to play them anyway.