Fat cow
a fat
cow is someone who
cheats on people and eats hella
fat cow
by icantthinkofaname on Mar 07, 2008 09:10:06
man #1: hey what's the name of that fat cow with that show?
man #2:
man #3: yeah, that's it. wow she really is a
lard ass.
fat cow
by Truth2Power on Aug 24, 2004 23:11:19
'sup?! This beef is only 80%
lean - must have come from one fat cow,
Fat Cow
by Dummy Thicc ×2 on Apr 18, 2019 01:52:53
Cameron: Man that
bih thicc,
Nigel: Nah, m8 she unacceptably thicc, the
fat cow.
Fat Cow
by Muminurmum on Nov 22, 2021 00:37:28
fat cow
by mindo on May 26, 2004 09:21:23
mindo: "where's
dan: "he didn't come to school because he's fat and lazy"
Fat Cow
by deadlygamesman on Mar 10, 2019 08:18:20
Although neither of these words are
swear words, combined they form the most insulting term for women in the English language. Interestingly it is not illegal to call someone a fat cow, though among
English people it is an extremely
taboo insult.
Employer to me: You...can't...CALL someone..."a fat
cow" I mean, what do you think this is?! a game?
Police: No Further Action
End result: I lost
my job
by Blaze Hoskins on Dec 15, 2009 06:23:33
Fat Cow Disease
by Connie Etn on Feb 03, 2010 23:53:41
Fat Cow Disease- AS in
Mad cow disease one generally loses the ability to remember and think clearly...In
fat Cow disease one has an inability to not only think clearly but also perform simple functions such as wearing
low rise jeans.
2. A sense of onself feeling lethargic, physically and mentally useless due to a sudden and unexplainable weight gain
Those blue jeans look like they should be on
shamu! Judging by those jeans, she has
fat cow disease!
2. Geez, I can't get up
off the couch today and I can barely write my name. My fat cow disease is kicking in!
bessy the fat cow
by sandy christian best mom on Jun 23, 2022 05:22:46