
An abbreviated form of the word "Australian" that in legend is heard in the Australian accent of English, in much the same way as "Arcadian" has evolved into "Cajun".Because of that shortening of the word and the way the Oz accent seems to run one word into the next, it's been used as a name for the collection of words that have been similarly shortened by Australian English speakers, expecially ockers, as well as the wide range of particularly Australian slang words.In the mid '60s an Australian writer Alistair Morison wrote a book under the pseudonym Afferbeck Lauder (alphabetical order) called "Let Stork Strine" (Let's talk Australian) which became popular for a while and spawned a series of books and other Strine publishings (Nose Tone Unturned aka No Stone Unturned, and so on.)

Australianisms, similar to Cockney Rhyming Slang, but spoken with the accent of the Australian drawl. Strine is almost never written except to illustrate the terms. Examples were compiled into a book called "Strine" by "Afferbeck Lauder" (alphabetical order).
Emma Chiset (how much is it?)
egg nishner (air conditioner)
howzat!?!? (how's that!?!? - screamed by cricketers when they get a batter out)

Bloody foreigners - don't they speak strine?

A word coined by Americans to describe the Australian accent. This word is not used by Australians, and American tourists who use it in Australia soon learn not to. See also cobber.
Yank tourist: "I gotta brush up on my Strine!"
Me: "Strine? Hmmm, a sucker... Hey mate, you wanna buy a galah for 50 grand?"
Yank tourist: "Yeah, sure will buddy!"
(I walk away 50 grand richer while Yank tourist gets 10 years for exporting wildlife that farmers shoot as a pest!)

Australian spoken english using slang terms with no spaces in between words. Someone who can actually speak fluent strine is very rare, generally only found in surf clubs or bowls clubs



pidge-strine is basically the australian language (strine), with a ridiculous spelling. Words are spelt as an australian would say them, to the point where people must speak the word aloud before understanding. It is derived from the words "pigeon" and "australian", due to a pigeon language being a local version of a language.
the following is written in pidge-strine:
ya godda cheggoud dars heeneree ovreer. sapp sloo lee mazen!

and here is the translation:
you've gotta check out the sceneryover here. Its absolutely amazing!

The best valorant player of all time alongside his simp mary mayonnaise who btw sucks at valorant and gets boosted daily till hopefully when she gets radiant I can rest in the garden once I have decimated half of the valorant population for that's what it will take to get her into radiant god rest my case the final and most superior definition of strine
Strine actually shot dead one of my own students WITH A KNIFE

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