wifey material
What really
ghetto girls call themselves to make them seem real and cute and kind but that's
not really how they are.
wifey material
by rosie3000 on Aug 29, 2021 11:46:36
my wife is so wifey material, she
yelled at a
disrespectful person in
the street but still helped them pick up the things she threw at them.
Wifey Material
by Elmer on Mar 24, 2005 13:31:04
A phrase often used to describe a girl whom you feel
possesses certain qualities that qualifies her to be a model wife for you.
1) Kind
2) Sweet
3) Caring
Also see:
Wifey material
by Ilovewomenithinktheyrethebest on Nov 27, 2020 07:53:19
Being "
wifey material" goes way more than being an educated woman who will cook for her husband, clean
the laundry or feed the kids. A woman who's wifey material is supportive, loyal, respectful towards her companion, someone who fights for her family and brings union between these members.
We gotta stop
stereotyping and start attributing to women their true values!
Wifey material
by Unknown456776436890086 on Jul 30, 2018 04:20:53
A loyal female , who hasn’t
slept around ,
cleans /
cooks , funny , smart , intelligent , and loving ...
She is also a person you could imagine carrying you children or as a loving wife
Wifey material
by Ilovewomenithinktheyrethebest on Nov 27, 2020 07:50:18
Being "
wifey material" goes way more than being an educated woman who will cook for her husband, clean
the laundry or feed the kids. A woman who's wifey material is supportive, loyal, respectful towards her companion, someone who fights for her family and brings union between these members.
We gotta stop
stereotyping and start attributing to women their true values!
Wifey Material
by PIMPCENTRAL on Nov 24, 2021 11:59:08
Wifey Material
by on Apr 13, 2021 18:19:02
Wifey Material
by ramu.tmkc on Sep 16, 2022 20:17:05
Wifey Material
by adrianl on Oct 01, 2021 06:20:10