The waiting period
The year-long wait from being 19 years of age, to turning 20. Anxiously waiting to cross the seemingly
everlasting threshold of teen life's end and stepping into
adulthood.WARNING: Some teenage residue may still reside when turning 20. Please make sure to wash thoroughly behind the ears and under fingernails with a constant flow of education and employment however and whenever possible.
Friend Request Waiting Period
by JoeyBats on Aug 18, 2011 00:17:24
The time after someone requests to be your friend on Facebook or some other social media site. This is a lag period in which the invitee receives the offer, contemplates, evaluates the person's looks, number of
mutual friends, other hot friends, and general demeanor before accepting the request. This period is very similar to the "
two day rule" when getting someone's
digits. By stretching the friend request waiting period ever so slightly, it appears that you are not so desperate for a new friend addition.
Guy 1: "Yo I just became friends with this
smoking hot chick other day. You should add her and look at her photos."
Guy 2: "Already tried to add her after I saw you became friends with her. She hasn't accepted my
request yet."
Guy 1: "Damn. You must be in
the friend request waiting period.... good luck with all that."