The most amazing, caring, funny, smart and sincere person in the world.Adar is an incredible friend and partner who will care deeply for you and do
whatever it takes to take care of you. He treats you as his princess and gives you his allYou can always trust Adar, he doesn't
let you down.Adar is an absolutely amazing person with a great sense of humour. He will make you laugh until you are crying. He will always make you happy and will make you feel like you are
invincible. Adar is always trustworthy and he is always the first person you will talk to about anything that's
bothering you and He always
sorts it out and makes the world seem alright; it doesn't matter how bad you are feeling he always cheers you up. He never fails to put a smile on your face. He will frustrate you when he says he isn't good enough because you know that it just isn't true and that he is just the best. His music taste is just incredible and he always knows how to lighten the mood. He is a kind, compassionate and caring person and even though he never sees that in himself he deserves to know that it is 100% true. He is just amazing in every way.If you ever lose Adar, it’s the worst mistake you can ever make.
by MaxPwr9 on Apr 15, 2009 00:46:01
Having falling in love with every ounce that is
Adar Morag. When all of your thoughts consist only of
King of Queens jokes, and thoughts of Adar Morag naked and or clothed. Just loving all that is Adar Morag.
by A~A on Oct 23, 2008 21:32:07
1. The name of the 6th month (out of 12) in the Jewish
The Jews celebrate the holiday
Purim, on this month.
2. A name. Both for males or females.
by BJ Murphy on Nov 10, 2007 05:13:16
by Settrem on Oct 31, 2019 21:06:12
Adars a caring
gentelman who's seen as the alpha of the human species. He's a
real chad with arms bigger than buildings, a brain as big as boulders, legs as strong as hercules and a smile that shines upp the earth like the sun.
The Name Adar carries such a holy standard, mortals aren't even abel to pronounce it right. Adar Is the reson why we as a species are able to live
on mother earth.
by Trey12345 on Nov 07, 2011 12:32:37
by Callaamari on Nov 30, 2017 02:32:04
A bad ass Guy or girl whatever you identify as, who is a chill dude and is funny when he wants to be. He has many friends and has A LOT of patience. He's secretly a fucking lit person and can
enlighten the mood of a room. He is also very fashionable!
Adares is the type of person to walk into a
pitch black dark room with sunglasses on.
by fmr23 on Jul 21, 2018 07:38:23
Chef Adar
by Equal_Memes on Mar 22, 2018 11:48:52
Cook man, himself, bot
copping, supreme
droppin, madafcker, individual who made a Supreme bot for those
cop or drop Supreme Thursdays!
"You cooked
thursday"? Nah man,
took an L,
hbu? I did, Chef Adar fam, Chef Adar, thats one cook cop madafcker.
by weirdflex on Feb 19, 2019 11:39:15
a blonde, wannabe senior girl that likes to overuse use the term "bro" a lot. Will literally laugh at anything, also tells the most
unfunny stories and will die of laughter before she realizes no one finds it funny. Has a
bad habit of ending her sentences or stories before completing them, leaving everyone confused and
done with her. Secretly a hoe but is "loyal" to her boy that no one approves of.
"yo adare what's up"
"nah bro
what's poppin g also have you see m***? she hasn't texted me back in .02 seconds and
I'm nervous we're not friends anymore huuuuUUUuuuUUuUH. also there's
that one time i..."