pretty boy

An attractive young male who usually looks good without trying. Females will call males this out of affection.

pretty boy
A good looking teenage boy, not necessarily built. Usually has a
naturally clean cut appearance, dresses well (mainly prep gear), and is very aware of his hair, skin, etc. Constantly looks in the mirror to look perfect from head to
toe. You could usually tell who has the pretty boy look (school, mall, etc.). Some are popular, which is why pretty boys are cautious of their image as to satisfy themselves while not
necessarily impressing others, although pretty boys are checked out ocassionally by girls, and well, boys too (in reference to attractiveness, or envy). Always wanting to look good does affect ones personality, as most may come off as prissy, stuck up, annoying, or definately conceited. Some however are outgoing and friendly (the ones who are aware both physically and socially).
I would know, since I consider myself a pretty boy!

pretty boy
A male of any sexual orientation possessing fine features, e.g., high, prominent cheek-bones, full lips, long eyelashes, etc., that may be appealing to both sexes.

Often also used to describe a male who pampers himself appearance-wise.
Sally loves pretty boys. She bought The Outsiders on DVD just for Rob Lowe.

pretty boy
A young man who is in touch with himself and takes care of his hygiene. A young man who takes the time to look his best and is presentable. It does not make him homosexual or gay, he is just wanting to look good.
A young man who goes to the store and has to make sure that he is matching and his face is washed and teeth are brushed and clothes have been ironed. This is a Pretty Boy

pretty boy
a very handsome young adult, usually gets everything handed to him . Doesn't get into fights but would just get up and walk away, he cares about his appearance and what other people may think. Although he may appear gay to some he is a straight heterosexual male.
joe Johnson is consider to be a pretty boy

pretty boy
Not to be mistaken for a metrosexual who generally spends a lot of time on his appearance. Although a pretty boy may spend time on his appearance he generally was always pretty - soft featured and more feminine in looks rather than having a square face and chiseled features, usually has a round or oval face. Sometimes androgenous in looks.

Pretty boy usually relates to the hair and face as it does in relation to a girl being pretty.
Hey you're such a pretty boy, you're so pretty P R E TT Y!

pretty boy
A boy who cares about how he looks, spends hella money on his clothing and accessories, such as sunglasses. Mostly wears clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch...Hollister...SKIN Industries...Famous Stars and Straps...and American Eagle. Usually Very VERY attractive. Likes flirting with the ladies...or men if he's gay... carries a comb in his pocket.. shows up late to class just so everyone notices him when he comes in the room.
Girl: "Oh LORD! Marshall is SO DAMN HOT!"
Boy: "Fuck him. He's just a stuck up pretty boy"
Girl: "Who gives a damn? I'm in love..."
Boy: "Whatever."

pretty boy
A male, although not necessarily young, who is aware of and enjoys his attractive qualities and grooms himself to maintain such while paying close attention to face, physical health/fitness and apparel.

Most "pretty boys" possess a high level of self-confidence which borderlines cockiness and arrogance as well as a high sense of self-awareness most consider to be vanity.

While they tend to enjoy making people smile, spending time in front of the mirror and complimenting themselves, most do not like to be called "pretty boy" but, instead, well-groomed or well-maintenanced because the term, used as slang, has also been referenced to homosexuality:

pretty = nice looking (female)
boy = young man

pretty + boy = a boy whose looks resemble that of a female (perhaps in a pink polka-dotted dress)

Preferred terms: Well-groomed, handsome, handsome man, handsome male, well-maintained, well-maintenanced guy
LL Cool J is a pretty boy because he cares about his outer appearance, from head to toe and spends plenty of time in the mirror making sure his face and body look good.

He enjoys smiling, making other people smile and he licks his lips so much it looks like he's doing a commercial for Carmex.

pretty boy
a boy (usually teens to late twenties) who has feminine physical (and sometimes mental) traits, such as long eyelashes, high cheekbones, etc. they are usually very skinny, clean and well groomed, possessing delicate beauty and features that appeal to both sexes.
girl: ahhh, im in love with that pretty boy!
boy : *jealous* ughhh,, hes probably gay, just forgot about him. date ME !!!
girl : ... weirdo....
boy : maybe i should be pretty too -_-"

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