by Rob on Nov 21, 2003 11:31:15
n. A practitioner of the sport/art of
parkour. Is a skilled runner and
jumper. Often has the ability to perform various
acrobatic techniques, but not necessarily so.
by A Parkour Enthusiast on Nov 04, 2008 13:47:15
n. One who practices
flowing through a given environment as efficiently as possible with only the aptitudes of the human body and an
assortment of
techniques .
by Chris Bent on Jul 16, 2008 03:45:19
by Kelso_sayss on Jun 07, 2011 12:36:05
When someone parkours on
rooftops naked and while jumping from one
roof to another,
poops midair onto the people below.
a bird, its a plane, its a
That guy just got traceured by a traceur
im bored..
lets go traceur!!
Emo traceur
by Tylers911 on Dec 06, 2010 00:38:06
When a
traceur or
traceuse looks like they cut there wrists from doing so much wall climb
eye of the traceur
by Aaron Parkour on Oct 30, 2015 08:19:18