December 24
If you were born in this day you’re clever, thinker, rational and incredibly impressive. also you'll have the most overwhelming soul, the most charming face and smile :( you for sure an amazing, rare person and the earth is so lucky to carry you upon it 💘December 24
People born on this day are extremely funny, and normally have a lot of friends. They always try to maintain good grades and get upset at them selfs for a low grade. When they have a best friend, they try to spend as much with them as possible since together they make an unstoppable group, if your best friends is on December 24, keep them close, your a team. Since their birthday is Christmas eve a lot of people tend to forget their birthday. When receiving birthday gifts friends and farther away family like to give them one item and say “heres your birthday AND Christmas gift.”
“wait your birthday is December 24 ? Like Christmas eve December 24”
“Hapoy birthday ! Heres your Christmas AND birthday gift !”
“wait your birthday is December 24 ? Like Christmas eve December 24”
“Hapoy birthday ! Heres your Christmas AND birthday gift !”
December 24
December 24 is the perfect day to have your first kiss
December 24
December 24
December 24
Me: guess what day it is!
Girl: December 24 Christmas eve
Me: no it’s Louis Tomlinsons birthday
Me: guess what day it is!
Girl: December 24 Christmas eve
Me: no it’s Louis Tomlinsons birthday
December 24
Rose: Hey Cloey why is your boyfriend short?!
Cloey: No his not! His a man height!
Asher: Am I a joke to you Cloey?
Rose: It's December 24 :))
Rose: Hey Cloey why is your boyfriend short?!
Cloey: No his not! His a man height!
Asher: Am I a joke to you Cloey?
Rose: It's December 24 :))
December 24
If you are born in December 24 you're either a normal human or LOUIS TOMLINSON!
If you are Louis Tomlinson, congratulations! you are the best person ever, an amazing singer-lyricist and wholesome human being, you are kind, humble, accepting and strong, and you deserve the world!!
If you are Louis Tomlinson, congratulations! you are the best person ever, an amazing singer-lyricist and wholesome human being, you are kind, humble, accepting and strong, and you deserve the world!!