(verb) to get Mortimered is when a woman you're flirting with casually refers to her boyfriend in conversation so as to dissuade you from making further advances without seeming rude. The term derives from the fact that her boyfriend is probably stupid, and his stupid name is probably Mortimer.Mortimer
A village filled with despair in West berkshire where very little happens and if anything does happen it is a stabbing
noun.-A Male Having unusually large testicles. Usually with a small or just average penis size that is not in proportion with that of the size of his testicles.
Ant.- un-Mortimer
also shortened to be "mort"
Ant.- un-Mortimer
also shortened to be "mort"
When your boss over-schedules the work day and then sends all of your coworkers off-site leaving you alone to do everything.
Brody and Jackie got sent to the South Site, Erin and Zeph got sent to the East Site leaving me here alone to answer the phones and work all the tickets. I've been Mortimered again!
Brody and Jackie got sent to the South Site, Erin and Zeph got sent to the East Site leaving me here alone to answer the phones and work all the tickets. I've been Mortimered again!
Some faggoty ass nigga who gets real wasted at a party and stays behind sos he can hook up wit anotha nigga and later be pretendin it dint happen tha next day.
-Yo Tre 5, im gon chill here for sommortime, these bitches be fly.
-Shit nigga, we all know this mortime be after these niggas and not these bitches. He ain;t commin to my pad no more.
-Yo Tre 5, im gon chill here for sommortime, these bitches be fly.
-Shit nigga, we all know this mortime be after these niggas and not these bitches. He ain;t commin to my pad no more.
Man who helps others. One who is selfless. This man is a great leader always willing to help others. He is loyal and careing. Also a man who loves Saki.
described as a man or woman who enjoys having felatio done on him by a woman or man dressed as a dead person
Richard and Mortimer
A animated show for those whom’st’ve a great IQ. Saying any line from said show will instantly increase your IQ by at least 50 points, depending on the quote. Speaking of the show will gain you the most fame and knowledge one man could ever have. In reality, this show is just for small children who think they are smart or for people to use ironically as a shit meme.
Guy: Dude do you watch Rick and Morty?
Guy 2: You mean RICHARD AND MORTIMER. *pause* WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! *IQ increase tenfold*
Guy: Dude do you watch Rick and Morty?
Guy 2: You mean RICHARD AND MORTIMER. *pause* WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! *IQ increase tenfold*