packing was a thing known as micup or similar to mic ups, started years ago before 2019
known as roasting or flaming people in the voice call.
there are many types of packing such as:
roasting/insulting eachother in
j4j packing = joke
for joke (making funny jokes like "my dude u was breakdancing and
moonwalking sideways on the moon"
blaze packing = loudmic but basically flaming/threatening/putting aggression/loudmic in vc (loudness wouldnt matter, example: " ILL KILL YOUR B***CHAS* P**SSY ")
stamina packing = whoever lasts longest in vc, successfully passing afk checks, (packing for 40 hours basically)
afk check = people use it to check if their afk and if they fail the check, they basically folded or lose
scream packing = basically screaming
lowmic packing = basically same with other packing but without any loudness/db, so most likely j4j or low blaze
theres more type of packing but these are main ones
(packing never came from roblox nor da hood, started before 2019,2020,2021)
(void packing community made packing kinda big but it sucks now)