
voice chat/channel, popularised by discord. a "vc" is a normal chat - just with people able to talk with their microphone, or listen to music with a discord bot.

short for vietcong, guerilla fighting force working against the us army and s vietnam army in the vietnam war. also known as vietminh, it was established by Ho Chi minh.
Pointman: VC ova der!
VC: chut ni, bla bla saigon tri! etc etc
US soldier 1: fooking gooks!

Abbreviation for Van Cleef, which refers to The Deadmines; a starting instance in the game World of Warcraft. Some consider it noob hell. Not to be confused with Dire Maul (DM), which is for more expierienced players.
1. "WILL SUm1 PLZ RUN ME THREW vC PLS?!!!!? THX" - Johnnynub

2. "Looking for 2 more - VC" - Calmplayer

short for viet cong
vietnamese people from south vietnam, the more tougher and realest gangstas of the vietnamese race. also can be refered to as nammers. If you are vietnamese you can tell these guys apart from the north vietnamese by listening to the way they talk. they ususally speak some words incorrectly and use mroe slang as well as swear more.
Look At That VC Chop dat white boy up

opposite of nammer. the smarter more geekessh of the vietnamese people. speak really proper vietnamese. usually found at home playing cs and most of them are wangstars
look at dat nammer chop dat vc up

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