An obscure, undocumented creature typically originating from
folklore . Typically
mythological in nature, but not necessarily supernatural , their existence is only recognized as
pseudoscience .
by solvecoagula on Sep 23, 2022 04:51:50
An undocumented, seldom-seen creature, typically originating from American
Recently adopted by the
Gen Z demographic to describe individuals that behave and
socialize in an introverted, unpredictable and otherwise strange manner, to the point where it's intimidating.
"I swear to god, he acts like he's just learning to talk, and then you get to know him and find out he keeps a little kingdom of
insects under his bed, and all of them have names.
Dude's an actual
by Nicholas Meyler on Sep 24, 2003 04:56:21
by milob404 on Jul 12, 2023 07:51:53
cryptid person
by Theaacecard on Aug 02, 2023 10:55:21
cult of the Cryptids
by Agent Crow on Dec 18, 2020 02:02:38
A game on roblox where you can Scare the shit out of your friends. Very nice game but the lobby is overran with
Slenders,and Copy N
Cryptid Goldilocks Zone
by offender-go on May 27, 2021 04:51:03
The very tiny
zone of species
close enough to humans, where it's
legal to have sex with them, yet far enough from humans where it's legal to kill them.
"Your turn, Frank. When you find
Bigfoot, will you
fuck him or kill him?"
"Well both options are
legal, aren't they, because Bigfoot is in the Cryptid Goldilocks Zone."
Cryptid fucker
by Dorianthedodo on Nov 28, 2024 03:50:47
"Ho, ho, ho, I am the
cryptid fucker and I will fuck all your cryptids.
One day I'm balls deep in a wendigo, next day I'm
divin deep into the pussy of
a loch Ness monster, then on the third day, the chupacabra sucks my dick harder than it sucks the blood from those goats."
"I heard that guy over there is a cryptid fucker."