I'm so bored

me too why do you think I'm typing this

Fuck me I'm so bored
Sentence usually used when one is bored and randomly types "Fuck me I'm so bored" in on Google. He/She/It usually has no idea what to do, and this will not help.
"I don't know what to do.. Fuck me I'm so bored"

I'm so fucking bored
A four word phrase typed into google search when one finds they have nothing to do and has had nothing to do for a long period of time. I'm so fucking bored is more commonly searched by teenager, specifically males who are out of things to do during the months of summer vacation.
Google: I'm sorry there are no search results for "i'm so fucking bored". Did you mean "I want to shoot myself"?

I'm so fucking bored
When you've watched every video, read every book, every fanfiction, played every game that has sparked your interest even slightly - to a point that you've considered TALKING to your family. You've listen to all your song playlists, tried conversing with friends but nothing is working - nothing is bringing you out of this state.
"Fuck dude, I'm so fucking bored! I've got literally nothing else I can do right now and it's so damn frustrating!"

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