Berkeley's Chinatown disguised as a University that used to have a racially diverse student body that protested against social issues back in the 70's. Now its just Chinese kids trying to get medical degrees and Indians trying to get engineering degrees. This is especially obvious the minute you walk out of UC Berkeley and notice that sudden abnormal re-occurrence of Black and White people, and some Asian Americans here and there.
Haven for Asian Foreigners.
They tried to make it more diverse by being 'officially racist' and just give Asians higher test goals. (see:
Affirmative Action) Funny thing is, it didn't even work.
Still an awesome school to go to however, just don't expect to be able to speak their official language, 'Mandarin.'
Out-of-State student: "Woah, there's a lot of Asians at UC
Berkeley, jeez, look at this campus. So this is what California's racial demographics are like"
Berkeley Resident Student: "Ha....Let's take a walk."
Out-of-State student: "Where?"
Berkeley Resident student: "How about, a couple steps
out the gate."
Out-of-state student: ".......Holy shit! Where'd all the Asians go?"
Berkeley Resident student: "They didn't go anywhere. Most of them just aren't from Berkeley."
Out-of-state student: "The fuck, is that a Black person?"
Berkeley Resident student: "Oh yeah, they're like the largest secondary minority here. They just don't live in UC Chinatown. Gotta
get out more, man."