
In the hood, when there's nobody outside.

A technique used in social networking when one doesn't want to communicate with a particular person any more. Usually involves going to the residence or workplace of the offender and beating their face in with a cinder block.
"Jerry was really getting on my nerves so I had to block him. He's in hospital now."

The ultimate coward move, You can and will get blocked for doing literally anything. Most people who will block you, are snowflakes that get offended over you doing or saying something they don't like. And God help you if you make a joke.
Person one:: "Didn't you have an argument with Carissa on Instagram yesterday?"
Person two "Yes and no, she blocked me the moment I talked to her,"

The simple yet incredibly satisfactory act of walking round the block. It is the perfect thing to do when bored, and stimulates conversation, friendship and oddly also spontaneous dragon-baby abduction.
The fundamental rule of blocking is: do not retrace your steps!
Blocking also highly condemns the wearing of yellow socks.
Blocker 1: dude im bored.
Blocker 2: wanna go for a block?
Blocker 1: hell no your wearing yellow socks
R.i.P blocker 2
thats blocking

The act of walking "around the block" without retracing your footsteps and always finishing where you started. You may only block where there is a path or a street so most people practice it in urban areas. Also, no blocker may ever wear yellow socks!
Let's go blocking.

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