
oakville is a suburban town located in ontario canada. it is really cool. there is a large population of teenagers here and they all like to shop at american eagle, hollister, and abercrombie and fitch. lacoste shirts are abundent. many watch the oc, laguna beach, greys anatomy and mtv in general. the boys are mostly goodlooking. not everyone is preppy however, there are also many skateboarders who are quite cool. and stoners as well. there are parties every weekend, drinking and getting high is not uncommon, however we arent a dirty-addicted to drugs town. cliques are common however you are still able to find some people who beneath all of the oakville idea have real personalities. the high schools here are cool. oakville trafalger- hot musicians and skatersabbey park- hot athletic preppy guys, a few good skaterswhite oaks- we dont knowloyola- gangstersiroquois- just..normal teenagersblakelock- used to be rival to qep.also, people think chate comes from here but some people...actually dont know what that means so we dont know about that. ALSO. there are many people who try to be gangsters however they are really stupid and people hate them...especially when they are white. and try be all g unit

Oakville is a town in southern Ontario. It has more millionars per square capita then anywhere else in the world. The reason for this is that Ford motors Canadian head quaters is in Oakville, thus, making the land more expensive to live on because more jobs get pumped out there. This is also why "the heights" was started as homing for the workers.

There are also more rich folk because people get hired into high position jobs in toronto and get placed in oakville.

not everybody is rich in oakville and it is ignorant to beleive so. A lot of people are and good for them, good for the kids they will grow up with a more then anybody for it but I am not angry.

I do live in Oakville but I have never lived in a big house, yet, i am extremley fortunate to live in oakville, espically after many financel scares.
....oakville, it is a good place to live i guess.

The best place in the world.
Missisauga suck hairy testies.
Oakville Kid:Hey you going to Scott's party tonight?
Missisauga Kid:No I'm going to engage in acts of beastiality with my hampster tonight.
Oakville Kid:I'm not surprised your just like every other kid from Missisauga

Oakville is the biggest small town in the world. Kevin Bacon has 6 degrees of separation, well Oakville has 2. If you are from Oakville and you meet someone who knows another person from Oakville, either you know that Oakvillian, or one of your friends does.
This can be most widely seen at University, especially in Ontario, but with exceptions for out of province Universities like McGill, Dalhousie, and UBC.
Non-Oakvillian: "you're from Oakville? do you know Scotty?"
Oakvillian: "Hellllll ya we went to Iroquois together! That guy is insannnnnnne, he just had a party last week!"

yeah yeah .. Oakville is a rich town .. we all know that, but its really jsut the downtown area, i mean yeah there are a few complexes in upper Oakville with huge hosues, but there really not as big as you think.

I dont understand why there is such a rivalry going on between Oakville and Mississauga, theres rich people in mississauga too.

I used to live in Mississauga and now live in Oakville, to tell you the truth its jsut as muh fun over there as it is here.
A party is a party, its jsut as much fun in mississauga and it is in Oakville

As someone who is from Oakville, it is hard to say good things in support of this town because the things many people stereotype oakville for being are entirely true. Chate is a commonly used word, people love the OC, people drive nice cars, there are princesses galore, and yes there is more ignorance then white blondes. This town is a prime example of everything that is wrong with our society because the young men and women it produces do not have any idea what the real world is like. No one see's poverty, violence, or crime behind their hightech security systems in their air conditioned houses. Common sense left oakville 20 years ago and in its place are people who are truely ugly on the inside. I will openly admit that I live in here oakville but I always ask not to be judged because of it. Not everyone who lives here gets rich and marries a stepford wife, but many do, and the ones who dont usually end up a lot happier. So... if I had to define oakville I would say it is the most superficial place on earth... no offense to my fellow oakvillians.
The place where the only crime the police have to worry about is breaking up high school parties on the weekend is oakville. Im serious, that's it.

A town in the southern part of oakville. They are often thought as the rich, snobby, o.c wanna bes by people who do not know anyone from there. But if you actully lived there (like me) i had no rich friends, no one had a lexus except me! and people arent as snobby as you think so shut up and stop dissing oakville you stupid canadians! oh and i have never heard the word chate used. i hate oakville but for reasons no one has listed in all these stupid articles. So you wanna actully make fun of oakville try living there for a year then go ahead.

oakville teens are all potheads, emos, sluts, "o.c", or smart kids who are addicted to myspace and shop at american eagle and carry to big lulu lemon bags around school. They make fun of the USA and Bush. They go to bush and house parties. They also play rugby
Person 1: What did you do last nigh?
Person 2: well i had rugby practice last night!

oakville is boring

Oakville, What isnt there to say

Drugs, Money, beautiful people!

...Parties all the time, House parties..Usually some sort of fee...For the kegger..

The fashion there, almost every girl has to have a Louis Vuitton or Burberry. ( who wouldnt want that)..

Gucci and Prada, Verry adored words.

WE love the oc, and We love expensive nice cars.

we drink coffe at starbucks, or Vinnies.

theres a hopedale crew, and a Bronte crew.

Long live the CREWS. lol!!!!!!

..There is no real ghetto in oakville,Maybe one street of welfare..But we dont interact with them..LOL
"Hey, what kegger should we go to?"

"OMG its O.C tonight!! whos coming? (everyone)"
"Mom, Can I take the benz, or am i stuck with the Jag?"
"My house can only hold 300 people, damnit"
"yo, jigga wudddddup?"
"Meet me at hopedale, At timmies"
"Oakville succcckkss"

Home of would-bes, has-beens, and general know-nothing-know-it-alls. Nothing really distinguishes Oakville from any other small suburb outside Toronto except the fact that it is generally regarded as one of the wealthiest towns in Canada. Big deal. Who really gives a shit where you're from. So why all the fighting guys? Can't we just all get along? Don't be a slave to the fatal suburban coma. Expand.
Joker: Oakville what!!
Batman: Unbelievable.
Robin: Holy Crap Batman! Joker's representin'!
Batman: No Robin. He's simply under the 'suburban spell'. He'll be dead from boredom in no time, just wait.
Joker: Chate!!!

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