A spouse is the husband or wife of a person. This is a common word
indicating "someone you are
married to." This
word is often used in forms/applications, etc.
by Johnny Rocker on Sep 25, 2009 13:29:01
by mobius on May 30, 2004 09:39:46
by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ on May 02, 2022 05:59:20
is the opposite sex gender you
married. to
save time from trying to
figure out if its husband or wife, you can just say spouse.
by Taco D. Loco on Jan 17, 2010 08:01:31
When a friend cancels plans or stands you up and then later blames it on his/her significant other. Note, however, that in
actuality, it might just be your friend being a prick and looking for someone to take the blame. Formerly "
wifed", but extended for
today's sexist society.
"Bob never showed up at the bar last night. He called today and said his girlfriend had a
headache so he had to
stay home."
"That doesn't make any sense. Anyway, he told
me he didn't want to go. You got spoused, man."
by Professor grandmaster G on May 09, 2018 05:59:07
by Humey2 on Jan 03, 2009 11:54:21
by Kristilicious on Jun 28, 2005 01:37:06
spoused: When a
chatter's spouse/partner enters the house or
computer room of where one lives, they leave the
chatroom immediately without saying goodbye to anyone in the chatroom.
While chatting in a
Yahoo chatroom, right in the middle of a conversation
Stoneman left without saying goodbye to anyone. Holly said, "I think Stoneman got spoused again."
by David_Beef_Broth on Oct 07, 2005 01:59:32
"I was talking to Joe today about the cook-out
poker game and my wife
SPOUSED me to tell
me I couldnt!"
Waffle Spouse
by Kirby369 on Aug 09, 2013 01:12:01
Chris: Hey, wanna go
to Waffle House for a
quick bite to eat?
Krit: No dude, I already got the waffle spouse at home! Man, I am hungry!
Chris: Aight lol.