the Brains
When u grab your sack and squeeze forcing your balls to go tight against the skin, causeing THE BRAIN!!!brain
Another word for head, or blowjob. This term is most appropriate however, because unfortuantley, most male brains reside in their penile regions
Something that Justin Bieber fans don't have.
On the brain
To strike a person in, on or upside the head deliberately and violently oftentimes with a blunt object.
A Brain
1. Stereotypical britbong with an obscene love for Harry and Meghan
2. A person with a tiny skull and medium sized brain
3. The biggest boomer you know
2. A person with a tiny skull and medium sized brain
3. The biggest boomer you know
Droolio: Did you see the Oprah interview with Harry and Megan. It was soo good, I loved it.
Nakia: Sigh...whatever you say brainful
Droolio: Did you see the Oprah interview with Harry and Megan. It was soo good, I loved it.
Nakia: Sigh...whatever you say brainful
the brain
the art of grasping the top of your ballsack and squeezing the testes outwards until your little friends resemble a brain.