the government

A large organization which rules over a country. Usually paractices extortion and other such forms of opression.

the government
"a bunch of people that belive its with in there power to rule the world, the goverment is notmaly the minority in power."
""how is it the 10% of the world runs the rest of the 90%?." bastards"

Half governor, half cyborg... a hyper-alloy combat chasis surrounded by living tissue, sent back by Skynet to become the governor of California.
"That Governator is out there, it can't be bargined with, it can't be resoned with, and it will not stop, ever... until he is elected."

the government is you and me and you've all been trained to forget that by the ones pretending to be our masters!

turn off the television! it's only there to distract you and to make your mind up for you!

They've been telling us how it's going to be... wait a second! were supposed to be doing that!
The government is us; we are the government, you and I -- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States.

it's still we the people... not we the IRS, not we the Bush Administration! YOU AND ME AND DON'T LET THEM FORGET THAT!!!

Something which always has too many flaws and is never perfect
What would happen under certain governments;

Communism: You have two cows. The governemt takes away both, gives you a small share of the proceeds and shares the rest out with the population.

Socialism: You have two cows. The government takes away just one and shares it out between themselves and the population

Liberalism: You have two cows. The government taxes you slightly on the sale of them

Conservatism: You have two cows. You are taxed almost zero on the sale of them, but the agricultural business will be subject to a recession pretty soon anyway

Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes away both and shoots you

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