
to take advantage of to have sex, make out, kiss, a reputation.

A verb that usually implies using drugs.

Usually used by police or people who don't actually do any drugs.
Example 1:
Mother: I hope you're not using. You're not using are you?
Son: No mom, I don't use. Using is for losers.

Example 2:
Officer: Yeah he uses. I found his coke stash.

The Used
The Used is an awesome band that hails from Oram, Utah. Their mellodic songs are enhanced by Bert McCraken's (lead singer) ability to scream to perfection.
I f!@#$ing love The Used

The Used
a borderline un-genred unknown-by-many band from utah that first came out into the mainstream public in summer of 2002, with lyrics about past experiences, love/relationships, rocky friendships, etc. they kick so much ass is all you have to know. buy the cd, bitch.
"the used are my favorite band" *nods*

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