The Statch

Staten Island, New York... the so called "forgotten borough." WU TANG REPRESENT!

An underage girl. Combination of the words statutory, as in statutory rape, the penalty for copulating with a minor, and the word Snatch, slang for a Vagina which is also used in reference to a female of the species.
'Andy, you only want that job working at the mall because you like chasing statch.'

Shortened from statutory meaning: cool, tight, awesome, baller, sweet.
On man that trick you did was super statch!

Of architecture or design that implies immediate gratification or satisfaction. Taken from the medical term 'stat' meaning right now, without any arguement.
'That doctor calls for all his surgical tools in statch style.' or 'The nazi architecture at it's finest evolution emphasised austere but larger than life horizontal scale punctuated by statch verticals: colors, lines, fabrics, symbols, music and ancient mysteries worthy of being considered a new form of religion.'

A person who makes a point of pursuing underaged partners. The term is derived from a combination of Statutory (as in statutory rape) and Sketch (as in sketchy). A person who is statch may be a former member of a group or organization who returns many years later, attempting to fit in, as a means of finding girls under the legal age of consent.
People of college attending age or older dating people of high school age.
People who attend adolescent gatherings over the socially acceptable age who attempt to persuade younger participants in sexual exploits.
People who pursue 'jail bait'.

People who look very much older than their partner, especially if their partner looks very youthful.

Person 1: "Did you see Mike over there hitting on that high schooler?"
Person 2: "He is so stach, he is old enough to be her dad!"

Person 1: "That guy is totally statch"
Person 2: "Why does John's parties always attract these pedophiles?"

Person 1: "Jason's girlfriend is so statch"
Person 2: "Why, because she used to be his babysitter?"

When an underage girl dresses and acts older than her real age in order to climb social rankings.
Person 1: Dude that girl is fit af
Person 2: Bro that's Jakes sister, she's only 12
Person1: WTF! She looks 18

Person 2: Yup, so statch

Statch Snatch
A derogatory term for a young Male or Female(in this case female) that is below the legal age of 18 but looks, acts, and dresses much older and is desireable to men who ARE older; a fine piece of ass that is just drastically too young for someone my age (example: 16 yearold female- 22 yearold male)
Dude that girl Allyson, she is a fine piece of statch snatch.
If I wasn't 21 I would so go after that statch snatch.

Statch Macking
the act in which someone who is much older, converses, flirts, and all together gets their mack on with people of a considerably lower age. the penalties of such an act are, looking like a total idiot, being creepy, being known as "that kid", and in some extreme cases a felony.
oh did you see andrew hitting on those freshman" "oh ya he was statch macking hard

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