a women

A common typo of "a woman" I see in chat rooms a lot for some reason.

The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
Jennifer dumped me for a guy with no job, no car, a ton of STD's, and he was locked up once for attempted rape of a drunk girl. What is wrong with women these days.

Honestly, they are just the opposite gender to men. Nothing more, nothing less. All this bullshit about what a woman is or isn't is ALL purely opinionated. All that can be said is that men and women have some differing physical qualities, but honestly, those things are not even that important in a world where you can blow up half of France with the push of a button, yeah? So enough with all this back and forth bantering about who's being sexist and who isn't. FYI, the top definition for women on this site may not be exactly sexist, but it is horribly biased and suffers from the same sort of one sidedness that it claims it is trying to prevent. Yes, women are more than just walking sex toys but at the same time they can be just as cruel, unforgiving and shitty as men. There ARE as many cunt women as there are cunt men. If you post definitions that are essentially "women are angelic and pure and men are dicks", you are either a bitter woman or a pussy whipped man who needs to grow a spine and learn how to attract women without kissing their asses (which can be as dirty or more dirty than a man's ass).
The fact of the matter is, both women and men get an equal share of gripe in society. Women might not be viewed as overall as good as men from a physical, professional, or sometimes mental point of view, but on the same token, men are expected to always be "manly" and show as little intimate emotion as possible and fight all the time and protect the countries we're from and not be afraid of anything. Whereas women who are "strong" (traditionally a male quality) are praised, and so are women who are "dainty and cute" (a female quality). Men who are "dainty and cute" are viewed as faggots, (to be blunt) however.

Women are the opposite of men. That's really all there is to it. If you think they deserve special treatment, or you are a woman and you think you do, you are a sexist. Simple as that, really. A gentleman acts chivalrous to all, regardless of gender. If you know a man who only acts chivalrous to women, and you think he is a "gentleman", you are wrong. He's just an asshole who knows how to get laid.

Ain't nothing but trouble (to men everywhere at one time or another). Often think guys never pay attention to them, but just as often only notice attention if it's from someone they are currently interested in.

They are great but they will never be fully understandable to the likes of meer men.
Women ain't nothing but trouble. Can I get an amen from the congregation?

women are people who can cuase great pain in a man or can cuase great love in a person and sometimes the best thing to do in life is find one that youwant to spend the rest of your life with and never let her go, hold on to her for the rest of your life and be happy
best thing in your life, women

roughly half of the earths population if not less, for some reason.
You know, its really hard seeing all this shit smeared everywhere about women being useless peices of skin around a pussy when YOUR MOTHER GAVE BIRTH TO YOUR HAIRY ASS.

good day.

A woman has strengths that amazes me. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying. She cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid. Her love is unconditional. There's only one thing wrong with her and that is that sometimes she forgets what she is worth.
Bob- You see that women over there?

Paul- Yes.
Bob- well she is stronger than anything in the universe.

They are the most beautiful creatures on earth.

They should not be pushed down, instead empowered.
They should not be treated unfair and unjust, instead treated as equals.

The uniqueness of each of them should not be dismissed instead celebrated.

Their talents and skills should not be pushed aside, instead appreciated.

They are all beautiful in their own utterly amazing way.
"women are wonderful"

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