To break down the courage of completely, as by sudden
danger or trouble; dishearten
by BluePupil1969 on Nov 20, 2019 06:35:56
Noun: To his
dismay, his mother put him in
a home.
Verb: They were
dismayed by the “No Right Turns” policy.
by Totoooo on Mar 17, 2014 12:13:34
groundhog dismay
by jpg3 on Jan 03, 2012 10:24:44
U.S. Dismay
by talk2me-JCH2 on Feb 04, 2021 11:55:20
protesters vandalized, and ransacked their own Capital buildiing
shouting "
USA, USA"! USA? The reaction they got was U.S. Dismay.
Valentine's Dismay
by The Valentiner on Feb 15, 2008 03:39:44
I was going to get
Sandy something, but when I got to the
florist I got a case of 'Valentine's Dismay' How can they charge
that much?
Pubic Dismay
by tactrash on May 02, 2008 20:28:58
The awful feeling a man experiences when he slides his hand down a
young woman's panties, only to find that she shaves/waxes her pubic area. This effect only applies to a small number of American men (aprox 1-2%)who enjoy a nice
full bush over the generic standard of a
shorn beaver.