face plant
by MTB man on Jul 06, 2011 01:28:19
A trick in all freestyle sports such as skateboarding or snowboarding in which
the athlete contacts the ground with his or her face. Term is derived from other tricks such as a foot plant or hand plant in that
the trick involves placing a body part on the ground as part of the trick. Although wildly popular, the face plant is rarely performed on purpose.
face plant
by HennyPenny415 on Nov 09, 2007 12:56:27
As she
rolled on the floor laughing while watching that dude whose pants fall off when he dives over the fence while he is
playing baseball and falls on his face on America's Funniest Videos Jenn said, "I sure do love a
good face plant!"
face plant
by Nick D on May 25, 2004 04:55:34
A serious fall in which you land on your face. It's called a "face plant" because it appears as if you're trying to do an
impression of
a plant with your face as its
Last night at
Sigma Chi I was so wasted that I slipped, bounced off
the ramp, and did a serious
face-plant onto the ground below.
face plant
by karenladeeda on May 07, 2012 10:52:01
planter's tend to fall into fountains while texting. face
planters don't know that guy at the
coffee shop thinks that they are cute because they never look up.
face plant
by Crow6515-Little fucking goofy on Jan 02, 2017 11:37:55
The fine and
precise art of
landing ones face into the ground , floor , or
concrete usually by act of sporting stupidity or by natural means of clumsiness .
face plant
by Heather Ledger on Jan 31, 2005 15:00:22
Bernie and Linda were having a good time until Bernie chopped
Linda's arms out from under her and yelled "
Face plant!"
face plant
by ruft on Apr 28, 2011 04:23:35
face plant
by TickTock69 on May 03, 2005 11:33:22
To face plant someone is to
jump on them and smack your face into their face. A very effective way of hurting someone. Often done while making
the noise "heoooaaa"
Face Plant
by Thundrstryke on Sep 05, 2006 17:53:25