Verb- To ejaculate in a girls eye while she is going down to give a blowjob. Can occasionally lead to the angry pirateDunbar
To be done, exhausted, passed out, etc. Typically after a large consumption of alcohol by not completely necessary. The term originates from Dunbar Lake in Itasca County, MN.
**Anders pukes and passes out in the yard**
"Omg! Andre is totally Dunbar! What is this amateur hour??" -Douchebag friend
**Anders pukes and passes out in the yard**
"Omg! Andre is totally Dunbar! What is this amateur hour??" -Douchebag friend
a slang word for done/finshed. and offtake of the word "Dunzo" Made famous by the Laguna Beach cast, but changed to be the name of the roomate of the Real World Sydney cast; Dunbar
the biggest dirtball to walk the face of the earth. the adjective dunbar is most commonly associated with bottom feeders, and generally people who have no positive attributes to offer the world.
damnit, johnny hasnt taken a shower in 5 days, and he sells crack on the street corner...what a dunbar
damnit, johnny hasnt taken a shower in 5 days, and he sells crack on the street corner...what a dunbar
v: to dunbar
To intentionally remove someone from your circle of friends by avoiding contact, hiding or in extreme measures moving away. This will normally be necessary due to dull behaviour, fun sapping or heightened arrogance.
Derived from:
Dunbar's number is a theoretical cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. The number is 150 and was first proposed by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar.
To intentionally remove someone from your circle of friends by avoiding contact, hiding or in extreme measures moving away. This will normally be necessary due to dull behaviour, fun sapping or heightened arrogance.
Derived from:
Dunbar's number is a theoretical cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. The number is 150 and was first proposed by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar.
A term that usually has to do with being extremely finished, cashed, passed out, extremely drunk or intoxicated to the point where you are slurring your words or dunbooting. It may also be exchanged with any random words in a sentence and is often followed with mcguillcuty.
a cum guzzling bitch whos profession is an "O" ring massage therapist. Also he doesn't use his hands!
Isaac Dunbar
A beautifully talented 16 year old singer who is super underrated. His incredible ability will soon blow up! Listen to his music you won’t regret it :)