by hateyouall on Apr 14, 2008 02:29:59
1. A word many stupid people seem to think means 'things' or 'life' but in fact is entirely related to prostitution, IE, the act of selling ones sexual favors for money. Anyone who pretends otherwise is A, stupid, B,
a wigger, C, deliberately offensive, or D, a
crackbaby, probably the result of someone
turning tricks.
2. Stunts or performances of challenging nature designed to impress people.
"Did you see
Johns new skateboard trick where he slides down the stairs on his head?"
"Well, yeah, but
John's mom turned tricks to
conceive him"
by ttttthetrickster on Dec 29, 2010 00:11:26
THE best book you will ever read in your life, by
Ellen Hopkins. Should be read by anyone 14 and up. This book is about five different kids'
journeys and how they all end up in Vegas trying to survive by performing "tricks" that are taking their selves away from them and replacing them with dirty, filthy prostitutes that they don't want to be.
Altogether an amazing, but horrifyingly real story about 5 young, terrified kids stuck in
Sin City with no way to get out.
I'm looking for a book as addicting as heroin, but actually real so I will
finish it knowing things I've never even thought about before.
Me: Girl, you are talking about
trick for a trick
by MJ Wright on Feb 15, 2010 01:26:58
When someone attemps or has recently cheated you out of something (money, favors, clothes, etc) or cheated on you, or is trying to be sneaky and underhanded behind your back, and you find out either before the act is done or right after the act is done. You then
rectify the situation immediatley or
set it up where you will get payback in a major way later. Can be as small as someone snitching on you at the job or giving you a
sob story to borrow money for something important that reaaly isn't, to your mate cheating on you or someone setting you up to be arrested or robbed
Fred: Hey Martin. you goin to the show on Saturday?
Martin:I just gave
Lee Lee $250.00 to pay her
gas bill so the kids can stay warm
Fred: WHAT!!!??? That bitch went to Atlantic City to spend the weekend with the girls. She was broke but told my girl she was gonna get the money
by hook or by crook.
Martin: Oh for real!!! I gotta trick for a trick. She left her food stamp card with $350.00 on it. It's all mine!!
Eddie: Yo G, Marvin snitched to the boss how you managers come in late when you open. Boss said he was gonna dock ya'll 10 hours for the week!
G: Ok!! I gotta trick for a trick. I'ma send that ass home tomorrow soon as he come in!
by Heiress Reigns on Oct 16, 2008 08:59:47
1.noun. A person who spends money on gratifying their sexual impulses and/or pleasures. 2.adjective. The word has the ability to describe a person or an action. 3. verb (to trick/
trickin'/trickin'off)The act of
splurging or spending
cash on fulfilling one's sexual desires.
A trick is known by the prostitutes for giving them things of value in exchange for some form of being in their presence. P.s., it's stil
trickin', even if
you got it!
by supamanhoez_29 on Nov 24, 2009 12:15:24
1. Any man who lets women use him for his wallet. It comes from the term prostitutes use to describe the men who pay them for sex.
2. Any punk or fool who acts as
bitch made as
a trick does
3. A woman who acts like
a tease or tries to make men into tricks or even any slut
1. "
Andre's girlfriend makes him buy her
jewlery every weekend!"
"Wow, that guy's a major-ass trick!"
2. "That trick stepped to a kid half his size and got
knocked out yesterday."
3. "Don't waste your time with that girl, man, she's a straight up trick."