
Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

They are Irony in it's purest form.
Can't Live with girls.
Can't Live with out girls.

A beautiful yet complicated gender, frequently attracted to boys, often to other girls, easily misunderstood and misperceived by the more coarse male, as a bitch
"The female of the species is more deadly than the male"

People rumored to be non-existant on the Internet.
hi guys, i'm a girl! :)

"A female?!"
"y helo thar...butsekz? LOLOL"
"Wait there can't be girls on the Internet! FAKER!"
"STFU n00bs"
"Wait, do you have nekkid pix?"
"I'll second that too!"

Also known as women, these complicated beasts are well known in today's modern world to be extremely complicated to handle. One wrong move or word can send this creature into a downward spiral of shit-talking, crying, and solid objects often become airborne.

When a group of girls meet, expect them to eye you and whisper among themselves. Males often receive mixed messages during this event and are often laughed at when any contact is attempted to be made.

When a threat by a girl is made to a male, they think nothing of it. When a male retaliates with a threat, they then become a "jerk". This could lead to an argument where the girl begins to cry announcing they were never loved by their male partner and may eventually lead to a break-up. This break-up may cause girls to "gossip" and before long, the male is known by many as a "jerk" and his chances of getting another girl decreases sharply.

Males should take extreme caution when communicating with girls. Side effects may include headaches, cuts and scratches to the body, bruising, and occasionally feelings of hatred and loneliness.
Girl: Want some candy corn?
Male: No, I don't like candy corn.
Girl: What if I throw it at your face?
Male: What if I throw it back at your face?
Girls: WOW!!! You are a jerk!!! I can't believe you just said that to me!

girls = time x money
time = money
girls = money x money = 'money' squared
money = 'the root of all evil'
girls = (square root of evil) squared

girls = evil
guy 1: girls suck
guy 2: yep, they're evil
guy 3: you're just bitter cuz you haven't been laid in a while...

They are like sheets of tinted glass, very fragile and it's really hard to see through them...
Day 1

Girl: Did you even think about me or were you too busy playing Half Life 2?
You: (Slightly lied) Of course I did, I was thinking of you while I play the game.
Girl: ....(not talking and left w/o saying good bye)
You: (Send her an E-Card and find a poem for her and tell her that you love her.

Day 2
You: Open your Email after you came from work/shchool...the Email said that she's braking up with you because she doesn't want commitment.
You: you think back of all the things you did for her, you're pretty sure she love you and now she's saying otherwise.

Possible explanations:
1. It's her period
2. There's someone else she like

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