
Someone who uses steroids in order to aid in the production of muscle mass

Somebody who has been on the methadone maintenance treatment (MMT)program for any period of time over a week.

Methadone is usually mixed with tang at the pharmacies where it is prepared, thus the name 'juice'. Tang isn't juice so the term was probably coined by somebody who themselves is a member of MMT.
"Look at all those filthy juiceheads over there, waiting to see the doctor, smoking thier cigarettes and... Drinking thier... Root-beer and... Snorting thier... Multi-Vitamins..."

Much like the term Gorilla, it derives from the show Jersey Shore where the women are absolutely retarded and think they are clever or something by making up names for their equally stupid male friends.
Snooki: Let's go and gut us some gorillas and Juiceheads!

JWOW: Yeah! I want to be a dumb slut too!

gorrilla juicehead
the phrase Gorrilla Juicehead was used by JWOW and Snooki on the MTV show Jersey Shore. JWOW went on to define it as a big guy who loves to hit up the gym and possibly uses steroids. Gorrilla juiceheads must be atleast 6ft tall and weight atleast 250 lbs.
Damn look at those gorrilla juiceheads on the beach

Gorilla Juicehead
Jenni's (J-Wow's) description of a seaside jock who is a heavy user of steroids and growth hormones. Usually massive in size and typically guido-like in appearance.
Jwow: "check out that Gorilla Juicehead steroid multiple growth hormone user over there snooki"

Snooki: "omg i wanna bang him so bad!"

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