the Tim Mcgraw

the sexiest country singer alive

tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw is sooo fuckin sexy! his wife is soo pretty but i would defidently bang him! he has an amazing voice and the song "live like you were dying" is the best song ever!

the tim mcgraw
A sexual act in which the woman puts ink around her vagina so that when the man (or another woman) pleasures her orally, he gets a ring around his mouth resembling Tim McGraw's facial hair. The act is only completed once the man puts on a cowboy hat and boots. He must then sing a Tim McGraw song.
Jeremiah's girlfriend made him do the Tim McGraw, and he subsequently died of ink poisoning.

The Tim McGraw Effect
The Tim McGraw effect takes place whenever you associate a certain thing with a past lover. Usually this occurs because it was an interest/passion of said person. Comes from the Taylor Swift song “Tim McGraw” where she sings the line “when you hear Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me”.
“Bro every time I hear a Nicki Minaj Song I think of Brittney. She would always play her music in the car.”

“Yeah—its the Tim McGraw Effect

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