People who live
adjacent to you.They may live next door, down the road, on the other side of the wall, on top of you, or below you. They can be nice, rude, outgoing, shy, or cool. They may bake plates of browines or cookies for you. They may have sex a lot. They may blast
shitty music at unreasonable hours. You may hang out with them a lot. You may never see them.Weather you love them or hate them, you had better
learn to live with them, because they live so close to you, after all.
by deadwait on Mar 09, 2009 04:25:30
A term used to describe a non-live-in sexual partner w/out publicly admitting a
committed relation. Similar to
room-mate w/ the exception that each partner maintains a separate residence, generally
w/in close proximity to each other. Commonly used at bars when attempting to gain a new sexual partner when questioned about a current one. Used by both men and women, most commonly heard in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Sorry I missed
your call.. i was having
diner w/ my neighbor.
OMG, so I've been hanging out w/ my neighbor, and he just asked if I'd be his
I can't go out to night, I'm going to the movies w/ my neighbor.
Oh.. she's just my neighbor.
by hate thy neighbor on Mar 05, 2009 01:56:42
by lunar shadows on Nov 08, 2004 02:07:02
by jarendipity on Mar 07, 2011 12:40:44
a slang term created by
rednecks referring to
black people. Not as offensive as nigger but should still be mentioned cautiously in their presence.
Rednecks also use the term "neighbor" to refer to their black people do with "nigger"
by mega sized big men on Jun 11, 2020 12:03:37
white guy:
yo yo yo this is how my
black guy:what are you gonna say?
white guy :uhh neighbors roll
by my neighbors are gay on Sep 01, 2010 15:11:50
by larrylowlife on Jan 31, 2008 14:11:24
"Dude, some Canadians just moved in next door, and they've been
pumping Wu Tang all day!!"
Fckn neighbors"
by my neighbors are gay on Sep 01, 2010 15:52:33
by MajisBest on Mar 13, 2019 10:37:28
Neighbor is a term used to replace nigga. This term is used when
white people are
rapping/singing a song but don't
wanna get in trouble or when there's black people around.
white person: "*
raps* *raps*
black person: "Huh?"
white person: "uh...
neighbor, *continues rapping*"
black person: "That's what I thought."