What one does when they are having a light nap, or catching up on some z's during history class!snores
sleepind disorder (noise made by some while they sleep can be quiet or loud) can happen once in a while or every night
wee child:Mommy, Mommy theres a monster in the house makeing strange sound while i try to sleep no thats your father snoring."don't worry it scares us all"
wee child:Mommy, Mommy theres a monster in the house makeing strange sound while i try to sleep no thats your father snoring."don't worry it scares us all"
A Social Networking Whore. (See also SNUT).
You know the ones, the friend whores..the collectors..
People/your "friends" who go through your Facebook and My Space, etc friends lists and try to add them to their even if they have never met them? Or try and hit them up to hook up?
Those people who think they really and truly have 500+ "friends".
You know the ones, the friend whores..the collectors..
People/your "friends" who go through your Facebook and My Space, etc friends lists and try to add them to their even if they have never met them? Or try and hit them up to hook up?
Those people who think they really and truly have 500+ "friends".
After a party I had recently, one of my female attendees hit up all of the guys at the party on Facebook and added them as "friends". When I discussed what she did with another friend, they said "Oh that's just Christina. She does that all the time. She's a total SNORE!"
"Could he BE any more pathetic? He rummages around through my friends list and tells people he's my good friend and they should be his too..Stage 4 Cling-on and SUCH a SNORE!" (see also SNUT and Friend Whore)
After a party I had recently, one of my female attendees hit up all of the guys at the party on Facebook and added them as "friends". When I discussed what she did with another friend, they said "Oh that's just Christina. She does that all the time. She's a total SNORE!"
"Could he BE any more pathetic? He rummages around through my friends list and tells people he's my good friend and they should be his too..Stage 4 Cling-on and SUCH a SNORE!" (see also SNUT and Friend Whore)
The lecture was snoring.
The lecture was snoring.
A sexual kink involving complete or partial ingestion of someone else through your nose.
Etymology: 'snort' + 'vore' = "snore".
Etymology: 'snort' + 'vore' = "snore".
In one snore comic exemplifying Rule 34, Helga begs Arnold to continue to snort her legs into his nose.
Helga: "Oh, yes, Arnold, snort me! Snort me!!"
Arnold: *SNRXX!!!*
In one snore comic exemplifying Rule 34, Helga begs Arnold to continue to snort her legs into his nose.
Helga: "Oh, yes, Arnold, snort me! Snort me!!"
Arnold: *SNRXX!!!*
The Snore-Lax
To take two doses of Tylenol PM, chug a bottle of Ex-Lax, and see how many Pokemon you can catch on your favorite gaming system before you pass out and shit yourself.
"Dude, your mom said you had the worst food poisoning this weekend."
"Nah, I decided to try the Snore-Lax a couple of nights ago and it got out of hand. The good thing is that I beat my old record by 3!"
"Dude, your mom said you had the worst food poisoning this weekend."
"Nah, I decided to try the Snore-Lax a couple of nights ago and it got out of hand. The good thing is that I beat my old record by 3!"
Snore D'oeuvre
Snoring Starfish
The snoring starfish is the name given to a sexually destroyed female who has assumed the starfish position and passed out. Unlike regular snoring, the snoring starfish gains its famous name from the small but potent spunk bubble queefs that are emitted from her creampied vagina.
"Holy shit dude, I took this tinder date home last night.. I was debating asking her out on a second date but then she became a snoring starfish..."
"Holy shit dude, I took this tinder date home last night.. I was debating asking her out on a second date but then she became a snoring starfish..."