right winger
(n)1. A individual who identifies theirself with and or supports
the republican party.(n)2. A individual who harbors conservative views or opinions on economic, political, and social issues.(n)3. A term often used to
classify someone whos overtly discriminatory towards a person(s) on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation,
creed, etc.
by Lord Heavyhandz on Jul 06, 2005 12:11:10
Often, an American that is pro-business while being anti-worker - yet
pro-family. Tends to portray great religiosity but only when threatened or
bombed. Claims to believe in the
sanctity of Life, but will bomb the fuck out of anything that moves. Also has a tendency to misinterpret any written document - especially the Bible. Believes that oil supplies will last forever.
right-winger scared
by brynnn on May 07, 2014 05:37:18
A tendency
among those on the right of the
political spectrum, increasing with distance from the center, to have a
visceral fear of law enforcement and other government agents violating their constitutional rights. This fear is unfounded because the police won't bother those who have it because they're white.
Chris got all right-winger scared at the
border patrol checkpoint and started recording them, saying he wouldn't answer
any questions. But they let him through because, you know...