
A game to decide any outcome.see: chonk

The only way to settle a dispute before resorting to violence.
Dude: "Shotgun!"
Buddy: "Challenge!"
Both: "One two three.."
Buddy: "Fuckin hell!"
Dude: "Hahaha, you're sittin' bitch"

Rock Paper Scissors
One of the most pointless and nonsensical game used to make small decisions.
I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no fucking way Paper can beat Rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? Why the hell cant paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why isn't notebook paper constantly suffocating students while they take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody, a rock would tear that shit up in 2 seconds. When I play rock/ paper/ scissors, I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to beat me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh shit, I'm sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you asshole.

Rock Paper Scissors
1. A very pointless, unnecessary, and painful game: On a table are: a Large Rock (3+ pounds), New Extra-Coarse Sandpaper, and a large pair of Sharp Scissors. The game:

A Group of males sit around the table and masturbate in unison. "Rock...Paper...Scissors" is called out loud uniform to three pumps. At the end of the third pump a Rock, paper, or scissors hand gesture is made by each male, they must all be the same gesture in order to what gesture was made last 3 pumps (order rock, paper, scissors). If at anytime during the game a player uses a wrong hand gesture, that player loses and whatever hand gesture he used, he must use that object to harm his penis. If you ejaculate at any time during the game, you are disqualified. The object of the game is to last longer than any other player. You have to have good memory, or be a very early skeeter to play this game, or else you will leave with either a very deformed penis, or no penis at all. This game is much more unnecessary than soggy waffle.

If you lose: Either you will have to drop the huge rock directly on your penis. Or you will have to wrap Coarse sandpaper around it and masturbate with it. Or you will have to cut your meat off with the scissors.
(In the showers)
Frank: "Jimbo, what the hell happened to your penis? it looks like a dying slim jim!!!?"
Jimbo: "I played a game of Rock Paper Scissors...needless to say, I lost, got the sandpaper..."

Rock Paper Scissors
Perhaps one of the most ancient and widely respected games of all time that can be used in making any decision or just for good old fashoned entertainment.
(Kids playing a pickup game of football)
-I get to pick first
-No, I get to pick first!
-There's only one way to settle this!
Rock Paper Scissors

rock paper scissors
Though sometimes played merely for sport, often it is used as an elimination challenge to determine choice. Generally two people shake fists, and at the third 'throw' display one of the three forms. Rock is considered to crush scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock.
We had to decided who was gonna go to the store during half-time, and you lost at rock-paper-scissors. Go, man!

Rock Paper Scissors
The process of using hand signs to make quick final decisions on minor conflicts
John: "Shotgun!"
Bill: "Bullshit, you got shotgun last time!"
John: "Rock Paper Scissors for it..."

Bill throws scissors, John throws paper.

Bill: "I win asshole!"
John: "Shit..."

rock paper scissors
A strategic game played between two people. The choices are rock, paper or scissors gesture with the hand. Paper covers rock, rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper.
Q:"Who's going to pay for lunch?"
A:"We'll rock paper scissors to decide."

The both count to three and simultaneously shape their hands into a rock ( closed fist ), paper ( open hand, palm down ) or scissors ( like a sideways peace sign ).

If there is a tie, they go again.

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