by chisquare on Oct 31, 2017 12:53:03
A look
by Catbuglovesyou on Aug 08, 2018 08:27:24
The look
by i'mlikeheywhatsuphello on Oct 03, 2015 02:08:37
A look 2 or more friends give each other mainly with their eyes, to
communicate something obvious. The look is used when wanting to communicate something but not being able to verbally
say anything.
Look into it...
by Peter B Jordanson on Feb 01, 2019 14:25:32
Is the Earth flat? I don't know!.. but did you know that
NASA was founded by former
Look into it...
Look at that!!
by Titus rutto on Apr 25, 2018 02:36:44
This is a statement used by
smartass kids who just want to steal slices of bread from their younger unsuspecting siblings.when they point to some direction and shout 'look at that!!'',their siblings turn towards the direction they are pointing at,thus these kids steal all the bread and when their siblings realize it was nothing and decide to continue their eating only to realize their bread is gone.Then their older
thieving siblings cheat them that
ghosts had consumed their bread.
John-Look at that!!
James-(turns to look at the direction pointed sees nothing and turns back and realizes his bread is gone).what happened to
my bread?
John-it must be the
ghosts little brother.Mum will get you another one
That Look
by leedleedle on Feb 14, 2015 09:31:37
A look that changes you, specifically one a person gives to you, not a fashion. You try to
speak to others of it but it
confuses them. Is usually positive.
The Look
by Moaningstyles on Dec 02, 2015 10:12:46
“the look”
by KhiamMinceyProductions on Jan 03, 2016 11:03:35
A maneuver done by tilting your head to your left or right,
tucking in your chin, and using direct eye contact with a person (or audience) in front of you . . . or maybe even the camera! Invented by actor, comedian, and
YouTube sensation Vic DiBitetto.
Quotation marks frequently used for the phrase in text.
Vic DiBitetto:
HANG IN THERE FOLKS, BECAUSE THE BEST . . . IS YET TO COME!!!!!! Now get ready — we’re gonna do “the look”. Get it right! Tilt this way, to your right,
tuck in, focus camera. 1! 2! 3! (gives “the look”)
Look into it
by Rookie boi on Jun 30, 2018 18:35:06
When you are so shit at your job and too lazy to fucking work, simply reply to your work
colleagues that you will ‘
look into it’ when in reality you will do
fuck all about it