Best of Buddies
Two people or more, that come from completely different backgrounds that meet at a vacation spot such as
a cruise, resort, etc. After spending a few days together they feel "like they've known each other all their lives". After the vacation ends, they
vow to
keep in touch and keep up the friendship and never do.
best boofoo buddy
by jimmybomm on Jun 05, 2020 11:18:04
guy 1: Where have you been? I have been trying to
get ahold of you for a while. guy 2: I'm with someone new now. guy 1: That sucks. I thought you were
my best boofoo buddy. guy 2: Not anymore.
Best Checkers Buddy in the World
by kaylalalalalala on Nov 26, 2008 14:53:55
A: "I was playing
checkers with my Best
Checkers Buddy in the World the other night."
B: "Oh, you mean
Best Buddy
by Buddy1995 on Jul 02, 2009 13:51:49
Best Buddy
by oppjonez on Aug 23, 2011 11:16:28
Someone that is so amazing and is always there for you. They are always there when you need them. They even bring you
chicken nuggets when they are
nine months pregnant. They never stop
being there, and have an amazing ability to show up.
best buddy
by anthongg on Feb 24, 2009 12:29:17
1. A very close friend. Someone who you have to fix common
misspelled words during online conversations with. Someone you go to the gym with, only not to
work out, but to chill instead. Someone who you have to help manage their money with
because they can't control it themselves.
2. A person who calls you a faggot and you call a queer in return.
1. Person 1: Hey!
Let's be friends! we have a lot in common!
Person 1: We can be FB/GB/LB/and whatever buddies there is out there!
Person 2: How about we
cut it short to BB for
Best Buddy.
Person 1: Good idea!
2. Person 1: Fagggot.
Person 2: Queeer.
best buddies
by theotherbestbuddy on Feb 26, 2025 00:21:19
Best Buddy
by bestbuddyexpert on Jul 03, 2021 01:36:08
best buddy in bed
by iambek on Nov 10, 2019 11:28:13
I have this cute stuffed
doggie from when I
was 3 months old. He's
my best buddy in bed; I love him very much.