LSA is a Famous Community on Telegram which is based on Anime.LSA means Let's Spread Anime (@SpreadingAnime)

(d)-Lysergic acid amide (LSA) or ergine is a psychoactive compound structurally similar to (d)-Lysergic acid diethylamide or (LSD) however it is a much weaker hallucinogen. Pure or synthetic LSA is a controlled substance in most countries because it is so similar to LSD. However plants that contain LSA are uncontrolled. Seeds from a plant known as Morning Glory are psychoactive due to LSA. Other sources of LSA include Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds.
I took some LSA and felt buzzy

D-lysergic acid amide (Similar to LSD )

A hallucinogenic chemical found in natural plants such as Morning Glory seeds and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

Very weak compared to LSD and produced closed eye visuals and a strong body high. Depending on the dosage LSA can produce hallucinations similar to a small dosage of LSD or Shoorms / Mushrooms that contain psilcybin, psilocin, or baeocystin.

If not prepared correctly LSA can cause severe stomach paints and nausea.

LSA should be prepared with baker’s chocolate for best results.

LSA Usually last for 6-12 hours depending on the dosage.

Average dosage:

Morning Glory = 300-600 Seeds ( size of poppy seeds )
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds = 5-9 ( size of nerd candy )
LSA gave me some visuals for a few hours.

Lobe Separation Angle.
The angle between the centerlines of two adjacent intake and exhaust cam lobes. lsa is measured in degrees.
The cc306 cam i just bought for my LT1 has an lsa of 112.

LSA Elite
The hardcore firm representing Lytham St Annes, no-one messes with them or goes near them. They have the best reputation in the north west, they fight anyone that gets in their way.
'Is that the LSA elite?!'
'Yeah blud, we better get out of their way!'

LSA Rule
Simply, a precept to always "Leave Shit Alone" -- A concept enumerating the fact that things don't break unless they are messed with first. Normally applied to computers. People like to tweak settings, install unneeded tools, etc. But the LSA Rule can be applied to many other things in the world. See murphy's law.
"Damn, my PC keeps locking up! I guess I should have followed the LSA Rule and not installed that adware!"

LSA high school
A British secondary school located in Lancashire known for being tough and ‘ard. Boomers and Chavs alike accumulate the school grounds and it isn’t uncommon to witness the sight of a student either smoking in the toilets, jumping someone else or writing their name with a compass on the science desks. The teacher’s are a giant meme to the student’s and PWH, MRO, APR, GLE are just meme machines.
A: “that kid appears to have been been smeared in shit”

B: “oh he just attends LSA high school”

A: “Explains a lot”

asdf jkla;sdf jkla;sdf jakl;d fdsfasfdsajksla; fjdkls;a fjdkl;a fjkld;sa jfkdl;a jfkdl;sa fjkl;a jklfd;as jkfdsl;a jfkl;sa fjkd;lsa
t h e p o w e r o f a t h o u s a n d asdf g o o g l e s e a r c h e s

This phrase is so powerful, that even Google crumbles under it's reign! When you search this word, you get less than 5 results! The definition of this phrase is as follows: "HELP ME I AM BoReD OUT OF MY MIND I nEeD MEDICAL HeLp"

Sidenote: If you delete the "asdf " at the beginning, the phrase loses most of it's power, and only means "im kinda bored lol".


The documentary of communism ~ Netflix
My friend ~ My friend's mom
You: asdf jkla;sdf jkla;sdf jakl;d fdsfasfdsajksla; fjdkls;a fjdkl;a fjkld;sa jfkdl;a jfkdl;sa fjkl;a jklfd;as jkfdsl;a jfkl;sa fjkd;lsa
datboi567: omg ill come over asap
You: omg thank ya senpai

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