1. The word appendage takes place to show the need for change.2.It also means a protrusion from something.noodly appendage
phallic appendage
dick, penis, wang, milk maker, homemade ice cream machine, wanker, bird, hot dog, weiner, meat rod, genital stick, underdeveloped third leg, skin flute ,glory wand, infant starter, sausage roll, sock crisper, cream substitute, human fertilizer, jizz canon, ass destroyer
Fake Appendages
This word basically means that something, usually the more private parts are fake. It is used to mean something fake around the penis area, or for a girl, fake breasts.
Fifth Appendage
Leafy appendages
The leaf-covered branches used by plants to suffocate other plants, envelop structures, or surprise people in the face.
V: "Man, I always feel like plants are trying to kill me with their leafy appendages.
A: I hate it when I get surprised in the face by a leafy appendage!
V: "Man, I always feel like plants are trying to kill me with their leafy appendages.
A: I hate it when I get surprised in the face by a leafy appendage!
vestigial appendage
see penis cock and all variations of
a vestigial appendage is generally a part of the body that is not needed. ie something left over from evolution like an appendix. It is also defined as the male penis. see vestigial
a vestigial appendage is generally a part of the body that is not needed. ie something left over from evolution like an appendix. It is also defined as the male penis. see vestigial
twenty-first appendage
This is a sly reference to and synonym for the penis or cock. For males adding the penis to the 10 fingers and 10 toes makes 21 appendages. Use this if you want to sound intelligent or don't want stupid or younger people to know what you are talking about.
I'm in the process of writing an epic poem about the love between me and my twenty-first appendage.
I'm in the process of writing an epic poem about the love between me and my twenty-first appendage.