
A name often mistaken as Lucas or Lukas, but contains no misspelling. Lucus' tend to be nice, fun, a little on the douche-baggy side, but mainly kind and loving. A Lucus might seem shy at first, but is most definitely not, once you get to know one, they will not shut up. In most cases its a good thing to know a Lucus, for they can give optimistic, obvious, and/or sarcastic advise. If you find a Lucus, try to befriend him immediately, for they can be quite smart and entertaining people.

lucus urfer
The best person you will know, a love able perrson that you will want to spend the rest of you life with.He is one of the most love able guys that u will ever have, he will love you till the day you die and do anything in his power to do whats right.
"Lucus urfer" is a xbox player

dirty lucus
The most awesomly awesomest person in the whole wide freakin everywhere! To bask in his awesomeness will enrich even a somewhat average person's life!
Dude, I had a dirty lucus last night and you can't even imagine how awesome I feel right now!

lucus zeller
A kind young boy, who will make your heart skip a beat just by the way he laughs. He is an optimistic, out going type but holds back his real feelings. He'll be there for you when no one els is but he'll do his best to try and make you laugh. He is comical and you can't help but immediately be greatfull for having him in your life.
Wow, I am very greatfull for having Lucus zeller in my life!

a man whore who leaves u on delivered while hes active and has a snap score of almost a million and wants to link and then u to give him head. he is a manipulating hoe and is known for love bombing girls n only wants head. he also lives also 7 hours away from you which means u cant properly date. he said his dic is 6.7 inches long and is very horny most times
Alexa: Im gonna link Lucus

Alexa : but hes so fine

Kassidy : ur gonna die.

Gak lucu jay
An expression towards an unfunny meme sent by Ijay, which is actually quite funny.
Ijay: *Sent a meme*
Aldo: "Gak lucu jay"

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