love bombing
Behaviour by members of a religious cult towards potential recruits, whereby the members of the group are at first reluctant to bring up their
dogmas or even their cult membership, but try to look sexy or warm-hearted or open-minded (favourite New Age
buzzword). Once the new member is
befriended, out come the wacky conspiracy theories, the cult line on sex and so on.
Love Bombing
by OverItB on Jul 09, 2019 15:11:55
When someone comes back all of a sudden to shower you with over the top displays of affection,
flirtation, etc. They have been “
hot and cold” with you over and over— in your life one minute and then ghosting you the next without warning.
This CAN BE a manipulative, narcissist tactic; used to see if they still have a “hold” on you. Makes you disposable to their
discretion when they’re bored.
“Omg Charles just texted me again! It’s been two months! He’s asking me to go out to dinner with him and is being so cute, I’m so excited!”
“Girl, you know he’s just
love bombing you. He
ghosted you a hundred times and is talking to like three
other women on Instagram. He’s just thirsty and wants benefits from you.”
Love Bombing
by Hazel always on Feb 03, 2022 14:39:44
When someone tells you they love you after a short period of dating or not dating at all. Drawing in the person to
manipulate them to make them think they're
cared for right before you break their heart
"He told me he loved me. We've only been talking for a week, but we click so well! Maybe I say
it back so he feels loved!" "No
don't do that! He's
love bombing you! If you say it back, he wins!"
Love Bombing
by kazuri on Feb 24, 2018 12:01:06
Love bomb
by LockeTheGuru on Feb 28, 2011 09:23:59
Love Bombed
by Xero _ Manifest on Jan 29, 2011 10:59:49
The unpredictable and
awkward moment when your boyfriend/girlfriend says "I Love You" for the first time in the relationship. You'd think it's
no big deal, but for a guy who is just looking to score,this may strike him harder than a kick to the
Love bomb
by Bangersnmashusa on Jan 04, 2019 10:52:19
Love Bomb
by Merv Dickman on Nov 25, 2011 10:02:31
When a couple goes out to a
romantic dinner, stuffs their faces, and
boil up hot steamy ones. Then, they both undress and the man sits on the toilet and the woman sits on his thighs, facing him. At this point, the couple locks lips and their "love bombs"
slide out of their rectums almost perfectly together, forming a heart in the toilet bowl.
Mary and Donny have a great relationship together. They go out to eat, feel
the passion of the flame, and drop sensual love bombs to show their affection.
That's love.
love bomb
by Rip Clint on Sep 22, 2010 23:30:32
During the act of lovemaking, one turtling partner (male or female) squats over the others face and begins to
lay cable. Open-mouthed, they let the poo slide in. Rather than dropping it all, half way through, the
squatter sucks the turd back up their own ass. This is then repeated until the squatter can no longer suck it back or accidentally
crimps a bit off. In a sense, it is like fellatio but with poo.
“Last night i was busy giving
my old lady the love
bomb of her life. Everything was going really well until she accidentally bit down. She’s in the bathroom right now...
Love bomb
by terry fuckwitt1 on May 09, 2021 15:07:47
The act of a desperate politician to try to
persuade an electorate to vote their way by using even more ‘
carrot’ than they normally would consider. A sign of extreme political
Boris to ‘
love bomb’ Scotland to
persuade them not to leave the UK.
Boris to throw even more taxpayers money at trying to make up for lying & cheating with ‘love bomb’