
To enjoy an event, situation, or object.

Bask basically means that you have no emotion to anything happening around you, giving clearly zero fucks what's happening.

bask is like nonchalant, but more relaxed and depressed

Example: If you're looking at a cat you can just say "bask".

You cannot bend the word bask it will always stay the same, bask is an adjective

When one unknowingly indulges in a "fly-catching" slanted facial expression involving an open jaw; Normally expressing the ugliest, grotesque face that a human being can possibly portray.
Joe: Hey Ryan, Check out Michael Arnold.
Ryan: Is he basking again?
Joe: Yes, but this time it's like a Ultra-bask
Ryan: He needs to staple his mouth closed

basking for it
Basking for it is when a celeb or wannabe does something that they know will "backfire." The backfire is a feature, not a bug because of the resulting media frenzy. For example, a conservative who has recently said/done something hyperbolically racist tries to speak at Berkeley.
"Ann Coulter 's speech at UC Berkeley was canceled. She's laughing all the way to the bank. You know she was totally basking for it."

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