Scene Kid

Your typical scene kid, guy or girl, will either have black hair, or some insane color, or just crazy streaks, with a shock of bangs covering up one eye or both. Hair MUST be dead straight. Sometimes it's poofy-spiked in the back, whatever u call it. Pretty much just the white kids follow the hair trend. Or girls of other ethnicities. I do NOT recommend this part to black guys. Ever seen one with long hair and a poof in the bag? WITH a shock of bangs and crazy hair color? Not the best visual I assume.Guys will typically have on extremely tight skinny jeans, sometimes girls jeans, with a really tight fitting band t-shirt and bracelets. The jeans usually aren't flares or bootcuts, but straight-leg pencil jeans.Girls will normally have on the same thing or funky outfits that won't match but will go together. Typical outfit will consist of a polka-dot or striped shirt with a band hoody and they will have on sometimes skirts with crazy leggings. Lots of leggings. They will wear little kid barrettes and bows, bright eyeshadow, the hugest sunglasses in the world, and strands of pearls/beads. Oh and handbands are a MUST.A lot of scene chicks will wear no namebrand clothing and then have a really expensive designer bag.Definately a cool belt, sometimes the buckle worn on the side, like on the hip.Straight-Edge(no smoking, no drinking) & being Christian & being a vegetarian is really popular. I never knock straight-edge. Even though it's become a trendy thing, at least it promotes good health.Saying omgzzzz & rawr & bikthx (I don't know why either).Both guys and girls will wear loads of eyeliner and Converse chucks or Vans.They're favorite pastime is of course going to lots of shows, and doing it up on MySpace. Most people consider scene kids to be MySpace whores, because they will add any and everyone just to get their friends count up (they're not the only ones tho!). Will have a gazillion photos of themselves photoshopped, covering their mouth, throwing up peace signs, doing the pigeon toe, holding the camera up in the air, them and one of their friends putting their faces together while smiling and looking down with their bangs all in their face,kissing the mirror, or holding their knees & looking down as though to say that they're sad. They'll give their pictures random titles that make no sense, just makes them sound deep. Tend to come off either overly depressed when they're more than likely not, or they'll seem incredibly conceited, vain, and arrogant. Most aren't that way, they just do it because everyone else is. There are some cool/nice ones though.They're typical username on Myspace will have to do with they're favorite band/song or just death/suicide. Will normally have brackets around things or lots of X's. Scene kids have the most awesome pages on Myspace AND the most "friends". A lot of them will use words like Terror,Strange, & Suicide in their names. Ex: Travis Terror, or Emily Suicide. They also like to use the copyright and trademark symbols.A lot of them wear bandanas around their necks or around their head or even covering their face. They use old slang like rad and stellar. And old hip hop/urban slang no one uses anymore, like fashizzle & fosho. They like to call each other nigga, nikka, nukka. Obsessed with robots and dinosaurs. They like to say random silly offthewall things that make no sense, but to them it's helarious.A vast majority of scene kids are bisexual or gay. For most it's just part of the trend that they're following. For others who ARE bi/gay, it's a way for them to fit in and make friends.Part of the trend is random making out with someone of the same sex, in front of large crowds. I don't get this either, but hey it's what they do. Kinda hot sometimes when it's guys. I'm just sayin......That's it. That's a scene kid for you. Don't knock the scene kids. I mean they're not going around knocking the hip hop kids or the preps. A scene kid will not interfere with your lifestyle, so, don't interfere with theirs.

Scene Kid
A label of young people that has become more prominent in use over the past decade. Scene kids are usually aged 14 – 21. Sometimes older or younger. Scene kids older than 20 are commonly referred to as scenesters.

Scene kids are often mistaken for emo kids- and while there are many similarities there are also many differences. When emo music first became trendy in the 80s and 90s, ‘emotionally hardcore’ teenagers would go to these emo concerts. Today, emo music is still popular, and because scene kids go to ‘hardcore’ shows, they too often attend these concerts, and others will see them in the crowd with emo kids, and think that they are emo as well, as the two groups influence each other. (Thus, emo hair is popular with scene kids, and band t-shirts popular with emos). The term ‘emo’ is also often abused to the extent that many people categorize emo and scene as the same.

Scene kids are obsessed with Hello Kitty, dinosaurs, little kiddy things, and bright colors. They’re usually nice people, but will be offended if you call them ‘emo’. Some also do not like to be called scene, or labeled at all. Scene kids will often give the impression that they think that they’re better than everyone else, but it depends on the person. They are best friends with their iPod, computer and cell phone. Many people do not like scene kids because they think that they are unoriginal and all look the same, and are trying too hard, or are annoying, or unattractive. While this is true in some cases, it is ironic that most ‘normal’ people also dress similarly to each other, and scene kids will think that ‘normal’ people are not as attractive as themselves. In many places there is a mutual hate between scenes kids and non-scene kids for these reasons.

The aim of a scene kid is to get 1039289482 friends on Myspace and go to all the local shows. They are obsessed with music. They usually listen to bands like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco and From First to Last. Their tastes vary however, many listen to pop or rap as well, but screamo and rock are generally the most popular alongside metal, and such; anything hardcore, that 'normal' people don't listen too. 'FerSure' is their theme song. Local shows are one of the most important parts of being a scene kid, that's why they're called 'scene' kids. They're part of the music scene. The less well known the venue/band is, the better- as long as they're good, of course. :

Scene kids are EXTREMELY vain. The most important part of their appearance is their hair. Girls will usually have a straight fringe, or more commonly an emo fringe swept to the side with cross clips. It will be wildly teased and their style icon looks like an electrocuted dead animal. Extensions are very popular, as well as clip in extensions of assorted colors. Scene hair is usually blonde or black with other colored sections or streaks. Often they will tiger stripe part of their hair. Unnatural colors such as blue and pink are very popular. Boys will also have either a side fringe or a flat fringe. It is generally shorter than a girl's hair, but will be equally as teased. Also note that the hair of both sexes must be dead straight. Curls or waves of any shape or form are unacceptable. Girls (and sometimes guys) will wear brightly colored clips or bows in their hair. They usually cut and dye their hair themselves, or get a friend to help.

The makeup is also crucial. Boys sometimes wear make up too. This usually only consists of black eyeliner and red eye shadow. For girls, the eyes are the main focus. They wear neon/bright colored eye shadows, or sometimes a dark black. The main idea is to not hold back on the make up. They wear an excessive amount of black eyeliner as well. False eyelashes are not that uncommon too. They often use the ‘wing’ effect of the eye shadow, or will draw Egyptian ‘flicks’ with eyeliner. Sometimes even draw in eyelashes with eyeliner. Point is, the first thing you notice about a scene girl is her eyes.

As far as clothing goes, this is the point where scene kids are often mistaken for emos. Fashion for scene kids is diverse, differing from location to location. Popular articles of clothing include skinny jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts (usually a white triple or double pyramid belt) ballet-like skirts, leggings, hoodies, fishnets or other wacko designed stockings, hobo-gloves, bright colors, zebra or leopard prints, skulls and polka dots are also popular. For jewelry, more is more. Strings of beads and pearls are essential. Rainbow beads are widespread; they sometimes wear cuffs or checkerboard sweatbands, and rings on girls. Shoes are equally as important. Girls will most often wear round-toed ballet flats, brands are also important when it comes to shoes. So keds and converse flats are popular. Converse all stars, vans, and DCs are what male scene kids generally get around in. The typical male scene shoe is the b/w checkerboard classic slip on vans shoe. Girls usually prefer the fandango colored one. Sorry for being too specific. >_>

Scene kids are known for being super hyper. They make friends quickly and easily. Some partner up well, but others seem to have fan bases of hundreds and jump around from partner to partner quite rapidly. Smoking is widely accepted through the scene community, whist a handful are straight edge, the majority of others will smoke socially. Scene kids who are straight edge will wear a bandana in their hair, the others will wear one around their neck, or sometimes tied to their pocket or bag; however, many non-straight edge scene kids will still wear a bandana in their hair. Piercings and tattoos are common. The most popular are snakebites, which boys have more commonly than girls, who usually only get a lip ring on one side. A monroe piercing is common too, as well as a septum piercing or a side nose ring. Eyebrows are uncommon but still accepted, as well as an anti-brow. Boys often have plugs, this is not as common with females, some scene kids also have industrials and navel piercings. Tattoos vary widely, however, stars on the hips and wrist are very popular.

All in all, scene is just a trend. It’s the same as being a prep or a skater. There are numerous exceptions to what’s written above. Hating all scene kids, or saying that all scene kids are hot or all look the same, is a large generalization, the same as saying that all blondes look the same, or that all Asians look the same- it’s just not true in all cases.
"She's so scene."
"He is a scene kid."
"My sister is a scenester."

Scene Kid
First I’d like to state, for all those who lack real intelligence and decided to make scene (and urban dictionary at that) a deprecating hell-hole, that none of those belittling words about this trend is true. Scene is a fashion trend, in the era of 2000, that is, for the most part, inspired by a retro 1980s indie look. What does this consist of? Primarily this means most scene kids (estimating 98%) are defined by: skinny jeans, band t-shirts, hoodies, miniskirts, leggings, bullet belts, name brand clothes/handbags, skateboarding apparel (fur-hood parkas, skate brand t-shirts etc), wristbands of various designs (usually those plastic bracelets), Converse, and Vans (mainly slip-ons).

Along with the stuff I mentioned above scene kids are also, roughly by 25%, a branch from another trend (that you all know of) known as Emo. This means, along with the defined above, scene kids are also defined by: skinny jeans (mainly black and also tighter), band t-shirts (tight as well), studded belts, snakebite piercings, and black horn-rimmed glasses. Now please don’t get the two trends confused. What males them different, for the most part, is the fact emo kids are known to be depressed/sad (for some strange reason) while scene kids are the opposite.

From reading above you’re 50% on your way to knowing what being scene really is. Scene kids, like emo kids, are fixed around the color black though scene kids are also fixed around bright colors too (as in neon). Scene kids have fads, mean things that come and go, that include: having a profile on multiple social networks (myspace, bebo, etc), being a vegetarian, text talk (l33t style) and being straight-edge. While 98% scene kids do this, this is NOT required to be scene.

What really makes you scene is your hairstyle and your music. Now I’m not telling you to just go and change what you listen to for scene reasons (because what you like is what you like), though I do prefer listening to bands that are also scene. As a scene kid it is a must that you go to shows (as in concerts), even if the band isn’t mainstream or you don’t know the band (meaning local and unheard of). Lastly KNOW YOUR MUSIC; it’s a must. Scene hairstyles are mostly straightened (and dyed black) and choppy (as in cut with razor comb) and has bright dye in certain parts (some temp, some perm).

Now to finally clear it EVERYTHING! Saying your scene doesn’t make you a poser. If someone ask, you say “Yeah I’m Scene”. This is to prevent people stereotyping you calling you a liar and hypocrite (for calling people posers of scene when your scene too). Changing overnight doesn’t make you a poser; clothes are clothes and a trend is a trend. To finalize this, being scene is like being a preppy kid or a goth kid. It all revolves around fashion (clothes and music). I want to state just because you follow a trend doesn’t mean you change your personality. Be yourself, there is only one of you.
no example needed, everyone is different. Scene Kid is a Scene Kid, regardless of there race or religion. That's a fact. D:

Scene Kid
A true scene kid is a boy or girl who wears whatever they want without caring.

A typical scene kid is a boy or girl who finds a style on the internet of a popular bebo, myspace, or facebook, and occasionally Vampire Freaks, that they like, and copies that style either completely or in parts.

A true scene kid has a hairstyle that is pretty crazy, and is like this so they can express themselves. True scene kids usually cut their own hair, because it's no fun expressing yourself when someone else cuts your hair.

A typical scene kid (girl) hair long hair with short layers at the top, and no layers underneath the top half. These layers are usually backcombed until they stand out from the head. This is usually to attract attention.

True scene kids don't set out to be hated, they go about their lives, and pick up a few haters along the way who dislike them because of their appearence and views on things.

Typical scene kids are deliberately controversial to get 'famous' on the internet.

This is a generalisation. Do not take all of this too seriously.

Most scene kids are called emo by chavs who do not understand that most emos are said to not wear much colour, whereas scene kids supposedly wear obscene amounts of neon coloured clothing.

True scene kids will never say they are scene.

Dont knock true scene kids. They won't do you any harm unless you start something.
scene kid
scene girls include kiki kannibal, audrey kitching, dakota rose and several others.

scene boys are people like jeffrey star etcetera.

Scene Kid
A male or female who dresses in the scene fashion.
They look like noone in any picture that has been posted, mostly it seems that the photo feature has been used to help poser kids feel better about themselves.
In actuality, scene has developed to encompass many different styles and denominations. There's the scene queens, who wear nearly anything to make themselves look original, from tutus and metal-band shirts to ripped fishnets and tiny shorts, often boots and oversized shirts as dresses. There's also what I call the street version scene girls, who lean toward tight jeans and Funsteps. However, hair and makeup is alike across the board. It's nearly always straightened, very teased in the back, choppy, and often multicolored. The basic color is normally black or peroxide blond, but streaks are promoted, and a select few do manage to pull off the natural browns- but for the most part it doesn't happen. Piercings are also promoted within the scene community, normally facial. Makeup is either incredibly well-done neons or dark blacks. The real scene girls are nearly always gorgeous, with large eyes accentuated by the intense makeup. For the males, the scene kings usually wear tall spikes that stick straight up in the back, with bangs and makeup. They will be wearing tight jeans, occasionally cowboy boots or something similarly ironic. The street version of the scene male is tight jeans, straightened black hair, occasionally with blond streaks, and sometimes also wearing the spikes. Makeup is unlikely but possible. Despite popular belief, not every scene kid is gay or bi. Many girls are known for being particularly bitchy and self-obsessed, the boys for being arrogant and vain, none of which seems to be able to subtract from the obsession that teens are growing with this new fad. Eventually, the scene will fade out of the popular eye, and the new jacks will pass to the next trend, making scene truly alternative again.
I saw this scene kid walking down the street the other day, I swear his hair was taller than he was.

Scene Kid

Scene kids are "kids" varying in age from 13-21, generally.
They, for the most part, living in the suburbs, go to large high schools with many other "scene kids" at the school. However, in what would seem contrary to logic, scene kids try not to associate or spend too much time around their fellow "scene kid".
A scene kids' biggest fear is being called a poser, so, they try to be as 'individual' as possible. Many kids on the scene, now, will dress with preppy, expensive dress shirts, sweater vests, etc, to avoid being associate with being too scene. However, they will always retain the tight, skinny jeans as they're a signature piece of clothing for any scene kid.
Scene kids also are know to use reverse phycology by calling themselves 'posers', because if they can call themselves 'posers' it proves that they're very confident; if a scene kid can call himself or herself a poser and their peers still think they're "scene" then that will greatly separate themselves from kids that ACTUALLY ARE posers.


Being scene, 'in the early days' was all about having one's myspace, facebook, etc. with a long list of all the bands that they know -well- and love, but no one else has ever heard of.
However, now, with posers diluting the scene, many scene kids will NOT list their favorite bands. Instead, their PM Personal Message will have lyrics from "gangster" songs that they will actually listen to and have on their iPod(or other Music Player) along with the usual mix of screamo and experimental music. Outlawz - Real Talk, Yeen Never-Chris Echols, etc. for example, have become a favorites because most people, especially preps have never head of those songs which helps scene kids retain their individual, 'underground' roots while staying fresh and new.
If you want to find out what a scene kids listens to, you're going to have to A) Invest a lot of time on MySpace or, look on their iPod(or whatever music player they use). The chance of you asking and getting granted this request is next to nothing but it is worth a try. Also, don't be surprised if you find songs like "Aneka - Japanese boy" on their music player! Scene kids, generally, DON'T ACTUALLY LISTEN to songs like that, it's just a joke.


Scene kids never use "scene" lingo! Instead, they use gangster terminology.
Person one: Yo' is rollin' up da' mall at, like, 7:00pm, skillet? (are you going to the mall at 7:00pm, buddy?)
Person two: Fer' Skizzle* (Yeah)
Person three: 'K, keepz it strizzle. (OK, stay good)
*many scene kids use words that contain "izzle"

The gangster terminology, which is only ever used online by scene kids, and never in-person, is meant to contrast with the delicate, fragile persona that scene kids also try to project.
Scene kids, almost always slight, with their skinny jeans that are meant to accentuates their delicate bodies, use the gangster terminology to contrast with the fact that they, unlike the stereotypical "gangsters", are, in fact, very weak, sweet, and kind despite their superficial personality and they need to be treated as something breakable so extra tender love and care is needed.

The Cycle/The outlook for scene kids:

Many scene kids, started becoming "scene" SLOWLY when they were about 13 or 14. When they reach 15-17, they usually the 'sceneest' they'll ever been and once they reach 18, with their teen angst fading, will start, again slowly, to assimilate and conform. This, for better or worse, is common amongst nearly all members of all sub cultures.

Sadly, the scene, despite the best effort of true scene kids, is on 'life support' and doesn't look like it can last much longer under the weigh of people who don't truly understand what it means to be a scene kid: All trends have their beginnings and ends, for better or worse.
The scene is, was, and in the foreseeable future will continue to be a vibrant community of youth expressing their individuality -- not cliché, it is the truth.
Person one: Wow, scene kids are really, really different!
Person two: Yeah, but they're OK...I guess
Person three: Naww.. I love 'em!

Scene Kid
Scene Guys:
Short Choppy Hair
White Belts
Big Buckles
Black Shirts OR Band Tees
Frequently Seen At Shows
Ska Shoes OR Vans
Eyeliner Is Common
Krew Pants OR Girl pants
Piercings. Usually Lip
Likes girls= Half right.

Scene Girls:
Short Choppy Hair OR Long VERY Straight Hair
Tight Pants
Piercings. Usually Lip
White Belts
Big Buckles
Black Shirts OR Band Tees
Frequently Seen At Shows
Ska Shoes OR Vans
{Person 1} Is that a SCENE KID?
{Person 2} How many myspace pictures?
{Person 1} Like 16 dude.
{Person 2} Yepp. Angles?
{Person 1} Angles????
{Person 2} Yes. Myspace pictures taken at angles no showing their complete face duhh.
{Person 1} Is that a SCENE KID then?
{Person 2} YESS!

Scene Kid
These days, anything can be classified as "scene". Scene kids often get called emo or posers. Most scene kids tend to hang out in the city with their other scene friends. Most scene kids have myspace, and have myspace fame from it. A lot of them get noticed by others from myspace. Scene kids with a lot of friends tend to be better looking and can get away with wearing anything. Most scene boys wear tight skinny jeans, of any colour with t shirts, usually of local screamo bands. Scene girls wear clothes that don't match, but they still look good. They like to wear a log of leggings and bows in their hair. They like to have cute little childish t shirts as well. Scene kids hair is usually cut by themselves, or a very expensive hair dresser. Most of the time, their hair will be black with sometimes patches of neon colours. Usually, if their hair is not black, it's bleached to the palest colour you could possibly get.

Scene girls never leave the house without make up and wear a lot of eye makeup. Piercings are another big thing with scene kids. A lot of them have their septums and snakebites done. Scene boys sometimes have very small stretchers in their ears. Scene kids like to hang out at the shops and at gigs and concerts. They hang out in large groups of at least 7 or something. A lot of scene kids have Jeffree Star, Hello Kitty and Oliver Sykes on their profiles.

In conclusion, anyone that doesn't fit the criteria of "normal" is scene, emo, gothic or whatever.
conversation of some scene kids:

"omg are you AnnaATROCITY from myspace?"
"yehhh I am."
"well I'm JosieJURASSIC from myspace!"
"oh my god. *hugs*"

Scene Kid
A person (mostly teens) who is of a music scene (mostly indie, screamo, acoustic, etc.).

Female Scene Kid: Wears very tight jeans, sometimes with holes, flat shoes with bows or vans-one colored, band tees and/or old TV show tees, striped shirts, or shirts with poetic words or animals on it, a tight black or gray sweatshirt with a hood, hair: Short choppy hair with many layers, multi-colored with bangs sweeping across one eye, mainly with red, blonde, or pink highlights. A lip ring, gages, and thick eye-liner. Black or white studded belt (white is more scene)

Preppy Girl Scene Kid: Same Hair but less poofy and choppy, less multi-colored-ness in the hair, less tight but still very tight jeans, lacey shirts, or poetic words on the shirt- tight fitting, may wear a tan or brown cardigan sweater, big jewelry, flat, almost like ballet shoes, but with a small pattern and a tiny bow, and a lanyard-y, chunky belt.

Male Scene Kids: Tight plain girl jeans, sometimes they are shrunk a few times in the wash, checkered vans, a black or white studded belt (white is more scene), tight band tees, black or gray tight zip-up hoodies, lip ring and gages, short choppy hair with bangs. (scene boys mostly buy chick apparel)

Preppy Boy scene kids: Nice button-up shirts with an argyle type pattern sweater vest over it with the collar popped out, white studded belt, very tight dress jeans, either black dress shoes, or vans (has to match), might wear a blazer with a tight sweaatshirt or zip-up hoodie underneath
Hair: Either very straight and rounded with bangs over one eye or choppy multi-layered hair, if has to wear glasses, black thick rimmed is prefered, and a lip ring and size 15 gages.

im oh so scene.
I am so scene with my poetic words on my tee shirt by The Scene Aesthetic! I hope future scene kids follow me because im the scenest scene kid EVER!!!!! Kthxbai haha

Scene Kid
The Scene Kid has changed over many times and continues to evolve to escape being called "emo" or "scene" so then can be called "br00t4l"
In this i will be identifying the neo scene kid.

Neo Scene:

Guys: think scene but so much more gay
Almost always V-necks and they have to be tight. Tight jeans and or jean cut offs with moccasins. hair can be alike the old scene but also have a piece of hair sticking in the back referred to as a "scene spike" they all think they are "br00t4l" or "chill"

Girls: Not as much obvious...They wear a wide variety but mostly preppy clothes such as Tank tops, solid bright colored shirts, and now bright baseball shirts.
For pants it can be tight jeans, short-shorts, skirt with leggings. Some are more flamboyant and bright than others.

In all entirety they have no fucking clue that they are scene and are offended when you call them that. Most grow out of it and develop their own style but alot of them are positive that they are cool and are unique.
They all think that The Devil Wears Prada and Bring Me The Horizon are extremely good and talented.

scene kid myspace names such as:

and you get the picture

Scene Fag:"I'm so br00t4l d00d i went to that TDWP show and they played HTML rulz d00d!!!!!!"
Scene Kid Friend:"dude i was in the pit and it hurt so bad when i got hit so hard that i cried and left"
Scene Faggot:"It's ok d00d u still g0t l0w in th pit"

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