Wiz Khalifa

(verb) to pee; to take a piss; to take a wiz; to take a tinkle(noun) pee; piss; urinea more useful application of than actual reference to the ~person~ Wiz Khalifa because who actually talks about the person?

Wiz Khalifa
when a chick pussy farts while going pee/ when a chick is trying to pee quietly and loudly pussy farts. Wiz Khalifa usually makes the perpetrator giggle but grosses out whoever hears it.
She knew she was better off alone in the bathroom when she took a wiz khalifa. She heard a wiz khalifa in the bathroom stall at the mall. She hoped nobody heard her wiz khalifa when she used the restroom . She giggled when she took a wiz khalifa and didn't care if anyone heard it

Wiz Khalifa
1) To piss out a window atop the Burj Khalifa

2) A long, voluminous piss

3) Some piss-head rapper nobody cares about
1) #41 on my Bucket List: Take a wiz khalifa

2) Dude, I just took a wiz khalifa and the urinal overflowed a lil

3) Tom: Who is this Wiz Khalifa fella? Jimmy: Some skinny ass, pre-packaged stoner/skater rapper with more tattoos than most people have skin.

Wiz Khalifa
A hip-hop artist from Pittsburgh, Cameron Jibril Thomaz also known as Wiz Khalifa has released several albums under the Rostrum / Warner Brothers record label. Originally haling from Minot, North Dakota, Wiz is currently best known for his single "Say Yeah" which features the Alice Deejay instrumental "Better Off Alone".

Wiz Khalifa has released several albums and mix tapes to date:
* Prince of the City: Welcome to Pistolvania (2005)
* Show and Prove (2006), Rostrum - debut album
* Grow Season (2007), Rostrum - mixtape
* Prince of the City 2 (2007), Rostrum - mixtape (2007)
Wiz Khalifa, the face of the Pittsburgh underground.

White Dude- "Hey, I heard that Wiz sared stage with Nas and Ghostface."

Hood Dude- "Chyeaaaaaa."

Wiz Khalifa
To take a Wiz Khalifa is when you've gotta pee really bad.
Nicole: Hey where are you going?
Me: Dammit I've got to take a Wiz Khalifa so bad! I shouldn't have drank all those cups of coffee and beer today, I think I'll overflow the toilet tonight, don't expect me back for at least an hour, I have to Wiz Khalifa so bad!

Wiz Khalifa
Once was a pretty good rapper, but sold out and now makes shitty radio music. All his shit sounds the same and he cant write a verse with out mentioning all the weed he smokes and all the hoes he fucks. The man lost respect and most of his "true fans" when he dropped black and yellow. Now his main fan base consists of 13-17 year old girls who are wanna be pot heads. Coulda been one of the best but i guess weed is more important to him
15 year old girl: OMG OMG I love Wiz Khalifa! Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow. Mom, what does "Reefer Mean?!"

Wiz Khalifa
When a person doesn't talk about anything else but weed, the last time they smoked, the next time they will smoke, a highdea they came up with when baked, food that tastes best whilst ripped, a paranoia trip they had when intoxicated, how much weed they have on them, their smoking devices, favorite stoner songs or a lesson they learned while blazed. These are usually the type of people who don't really have much experience in toking and think it makes them cool 'cause they blaze up half gram joints, don't inhale and then green out.
Real Stoner 1: Wow, that loser just smoked half a bowl and started coughing up a lung, then ran around telling people to look at how red his eyes are. Fuck, I hate people like that who go around bragging like smoking makes them cool.
Real Stoner 2: I know right? He's such a Wiz Khalifa. Just 'cause you smoke doesn't automatically make you a hardcore pothead. People who smoke just to brag about it aren't cool, they're fags, and wouldn't last two hits off a blunt with a real stoner.
Wanna-be Stoner: Hey guys look at my eyes!!!! I can barely even see out of them they're so low!! Aren't they red? Holy shit I'm sooo baked.. black and yellow!
Real Stoner 1: *sigh*

Wiz Khalifa
Cameron Thomaz, Rapper from Pittsburgh.
Raps mostly about weed, women, and money.
Incredible flow. (In my opinion)
Numerous free mixtapes including: Kush & Orange Juice, B.A.R, Cabin Fever, How Fly, Flight School, & Star Power

One albumb from major label Atlantic Records: Rolling Papers
Now considered by old fans a "sell out" to mainstream music, and is judged mainly by the Album

Leader of "Taylor Gang"
Wiz Khalifa has a large fanbase, which has formed cliques that tend to fight with each other for no apparent reason.

Name can be broken down in two
Wiz - Nickname, called "wiz" because he was good at everything he did.
Khalifa - Arabic for successor
Example 1:
Me: Damn, Wiz Khalifa just dropped another bomb mixtape.
Girl: What's a mixtape? I just like that song No Sleep.

Example 2: (typically on YouTube video)
New fan: Yo this Wiz Khalifa shit hot! Black & Yellow, Black & Yellow
Old fan: This shit ain't hot. Nigga straight trippin now. I've been a Wiz Khalifa fan since Prince of the City 2.

New fan: Well it's the same guy..
Old fan: No fuck you kid you don't know Wiz Khalifa.

(Old fan then proceeds to hack the new fan's IP, hunt him down, and kill him)

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