fat ass
As in a Fat Person and/or an extremely large buttocks. Can also be used in an insult, calling someone "fat" may not always work, so adding "Fatass" My help to boost your insult to astronomical heightsfat ass
a person that sits on the couch all day and watches shows like Ricki, Maury, and Jerry, and eats bon bons
you're a fat ass
you're a fat ass
fat ass
A fat person who cant move or stand up ...... well only when they are licking the cheeto cheese off their fingers
fat ass
fat ass
a FAT ASS is a voluptuous female butt that brings many men (mainly black guys) pleasure to the eye. It is often very round and large in size.
fat ass
A fat bitch. So fat they cant even see their penis anymore. Someone who the opposite sex is ASHAMED to be seen with. A large corpulent person with sausage fingers and a fat mush face.
Mike: Did you see that vitale kid?
Art: Yea, he sure is a fat ass. Girls must laugh at that sucker.
Mike: Did you see that vitale kid?
Art: Yea, he sure is a fat ass. Girls must laugh at that sucker.
fat ass
Someone who is extremely proud of their laziness and should be worshipped for their ability to avoid burning calories.
fat ass
fat ass
Kim Kardashian.
Eric Cartman.
Any person with a large unattractive rear end.
A painfully honest description of an oversized butt.
Not quite wide load, but getting close.
Eric Cartman.
Any person with a large unattractive rear end.
A painfully honest description of an oversized butt.
Not quite wide load, but getting close.